Chapter 4

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Whitley Pov

I woke up with my head on Daddy's chest and he had his arm around me. I look around and saw that everyone was still asleep.

"Daddy..Daddy." I whispered I started poking him, "Daddy wake up." I kept poking him until he was finally waking up.

"Morning baby girl!" He said and kissed my forehead.

"Morning Daddy!" I said he look around.

"Wanna help Daddy wake the boys up?" He asked I nodded we got up,"On the count of 3 yell wake up as loud as you can." He whispered I nodded my head.


"WAKE UP!" We shouted as loud as we could then Daddy started jumping around them and I poked them.

I poked Louis and he started tickling me Niall joined him. I started laughing so hard that it was getting hard to breath Daddy notice.

"Guys stop! She's not breathing!" Daddy yelled and pushed them away.

"Someone go to my room and get her inhaler on my desk!" He yelled and Zayn ran upstairs.

Soon Zayn came back and threw Daddy my inhaler. Daddy put it in my mouth and I breath in and out. After I was fine Daddy gave me a bone crashing hug.

"You ok?" He asked I nodded my head.

"Whitley we're so sorry we didn't know. Do you forgive us?" Louis asked I walked over and gave him and Niall a hug.

"I forgive you." I said

"Yeah I probably should have told you but when she cries or laughs too hard she'll have asthma attacks." Daddy said

"Well now that's over how about some breakfast!" Harry said clapping his hands.

Daddy and I watched Spongebob with Louis and Zayn.

"Pancakes!" Harry yelled Daddy picked me up, put me on a chair got me a plate cut the pancake in little pieces for me.

"Milk or Apple Juice?" Niall asked

"Milk please!" I said and he gave me some milk.

I ate my breakfast while they talked about grown up stuff. I ate half of my breakfast then I told Daddy that I was full.

He took me upstairs to get me dress. He helped me put my outfit on then he carried me to my bath room to brush my teeth. Then he brushed my hair.

"I'm gonna go get ready, you go to the living room with the rest of the boys until we leave." Daddy said I shook my head.

"I wanna stay with you." I said he sign.

"I guess you can watch TV in my room while I get ready." He said I smiled, "Come on."

He picked me and and we went in his room. When we got in his room Daddy put me on his bed and turn the TV on.

"You stay right here I'm gonna take a shower." He said I nodded my head.

I watched TV until Daddy was dressed, he asked if I was ready to go I nodded my head, he turn the TV off and carried me downstairs.

"You stay in here with Niall while I put your car seat in the car then we'll go." Daddy said handing me to Niall.

"Whitley say something." Niall said holding his phone up there was a cat on the screen.

"Hi?" I said then the cat said hi I widen my eyes."The cat said what I said Ni." I said surprise then the cat repeated me again.

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