Bitter Kisses by LifeGoesOn31

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Bitter Kisses by LifeGoesOn31

Cadrian has faced rejection over and over again. Rejection from her mate, Xavier. Rejection from her sister, Holly. Rejection from her brother, Parker. And rejection from every single member of her pack. She has no parents, so love was rare to her. The only one who cared for her was her old Alpha, Xavier's father, but after he was gone, she was thrown out to face the world alone. Three years later, Cadrian is back. Not alone, no, she's back with her new family, one of the strongest packs in the world. She's no longer the girl who was too weak to take care of herself. Now she's a strong willed fighter with a stone heart, ready to take anyone and anything head-on. So what happens when she comes face to face with the people who had put her through the pain that has left her scarred forever?


This isn't the normal rejection story! I mean it, this isn't because i'm advertising it or anything, it really isn't. In a good way. You'll find out at the end, when I read the end it was really sad I started crying but then the epilogue at what happened but I was so happy at the last few chapters which were in character's POVs. It was like coming back from the... Giving too much away ;_; Just get out there and read it! I really think this book deserves to be my last recommendation, out of the mate stories i've read, this one's really different and quirky. Just the way I like them :)

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