•When the gang goes camping•

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- The whole gang decided to go camping since Darry got this weekend off.

- having to annoy Dal until he finally said yes to coming with.

- Knowing Steve, he brings a lot of bags, as if he's going on vacation or something.

- Two-bit bringing a few cases of beer to sip on.

- Steve and Dal trying to set up a tent

-*Steve lets go of something and the whole thing falls apart...once again*

-"Alright, you wanna be like that"-Dal drops all of the poles-"put it together yourself" he says before walking away.

- Darry being the ONLY responsible one there.

- Chicken fights in the lake.

- "Hey Pony, what's that!?" -Twobit
*Pulls down Pony's swim trunks*

- Steve doing backflips off the doc.

- "you get hurt Steve, It ain't my problem"

- "I didn't say it was"

-Dal refusing to wear swim trunks, so just chills in his briefs

- *Steve splashing Dal as a joke*

-let's just say Steve ended up with a black eye after that.

- "Shit! Guys where'd my beer go!?" -Twobit ofc

- "You probably let it sink to the bottom the the lake, Dumbass" -Dal

- Pony and Johnny reading books at night

- "Hey Steve, pass me the s'mores" -Twobit

-*Steve throws them at him*

-*Twobit throws a-whole case of beer back at him*

- "Alright, alright that's enough!" -Darry ofc

- Everyone telling different scary stories at the bomb fire

- Dal's actually being the scariest.

- Steve acting tuff, but really was hanging onto Soda for dear life.

- *The gang arguing who gets which tent and blankets*

- *Twobit getting cold*

-"Hey, Steve...could I barrow one of your blankets?.."


-"But just"-


- Over all, having so much fun

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