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The voice on his headphones called out with a cheery voice, suspiciously sounding like he's about to ask for a favor.

"Yeah?" The blond responded as he stepped into his room, a cold coca-cola can in his hand while the other closed the door behind him with a click.

"Are you going to stream?"

Tommy pondered over it as he made his way towards the chair in front of his computer. 

Although he shouldn't have to think it over since he told his followers on Twitter earlier that he would. He'd be an asshole for accumulating hype only to let them all down.

Tommy settled on his chair and placed the can of soda on his desk. "Why did you ask? Tubbo, I literally told everyone on Twitter that I would."

"Really?" Tubbo sounded genuinely surprised which made Tommy crunch his face in confusion. "I didn't get any notification."

What the--

"Anyway, what do you want to do before I start?"

"I saw this scary scream on Reddit..." Tubbo trails off as Tommy moves his mouse to hover the cursor on the search bar.

"Reddit... scary stream." He repeats under his breath before hitting enter, leaning on the backrest as the website loads. "I thought you don't like horror?"

"But I'm curious!" Tubbo exclaimed from the other side of his headphones as Tommy's eyes roamed the suggested pages that came up on his screen.

"Are you searching for it?"


"You should've asked me to send you the link." A few beats of silence passed between them and Tommy could only assume that his friend was copy-pasting the URL on discord which soon was proven right when his friend spoke up once more. 

"Open discord"

And Tommy followed, pulling up his discord to see an obvious white dot on the top right of Tubbo's profile picture. Clicking on it, he was met with their conversations and their previous calls that lasted five to ten hours due to him bringing his friend to college yesterday and having him speak to his ear on his airpods.

But what was important was the recent message.

Tommy opened up the Reddit post, his eyes catching the poor attention it was given, with only three upvotes and not a single comment. Weird...

"What even made you want to watch this?"

Tommy scrutinized the suspicious black thumbnail while spinning his cursor around the link, still unsure whether to click on it or not.

There was an uneasy feeling settled deep in his guts, telling him not to. But his mind then asked the possibility of the stream being one of his friend's pranks. It was already skeptical that the Reddit post was made yesterday at dawn.

"I just never heard a stream that's suspicious and scary."

Tommy raised an eyebrow at this as he propped his head on the arm he placed on the desk. Is Tubbo trying to pull a scary prank on him? Is it for a YouTube video?

If so, then he'll let the boy do his thing then Tommy can just reverse scare him. The blond grins at the thought, enthusiastic about his plan.

"How did you even find the Reddit discussion? I couldn't even find it."

"It just suddenly appeared on my timeline."

Tommy leaned on his chair as he worries his lower bottom lip with his teeth, fingers drumming on the wooden table to a tune that became his trademark. He was weighing out the possibilities of it being a trick or an early April's fool prank. Maybe some asshole in the world decided to make their stunt more believable.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 || Karl Jacobs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now