44|| The Monument of the Bajan and the Bacca

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The loud cheers and the tooting horns numbed his ears, the floating blocks of black produced limelights that goes around pointing at every fighter in the sandy and overgrown arena. With his eyes blinded by the flash and his ears being rendered useless by the bombastic noise from the crowd, his heart raced in his chest, panicking as he looked around manically with only one word leaving his mouth.


His friend might've heard him but he doesn't, his voice must've drowned with the crowd's yaps and screams, even with the frantic turns of his head trying to find his friend, he couldn't recognise the terrified faces of the people near him, restricted inside a glass tube that most of them are attempting to break with their own fist.


Ponk knew it was no use but he couldn't help but call out. If he only knew what would happen if he pulled the lever before they entered the gladiator-like monument in the middle of the desert without waiting for Foolish and Ranboo, he and Sam wouldn't have been forced into a bloodbath mini-game that is the Hunger Games.

He pounds his fist on the glass, thinking that his continuous attacks will at least crack the translucent wall but it was futile. Even when he used most of his strength to achieve what he wanted, not even a scratch was retained on the glass.

"Welcome players to the grand gladiator arena!" The artificial cheers grew significantly louder and quiets down the same speed it rose.

Ponk looked up at the sky to see two straight red line above the mini pyramid sprinkled with chests in the middle of the sandy landscape of the arena, they both had different length but they share the same aura, it was like he was staring straight into angels. But when they distorted into zigzags, they became bad omens in his eyes.

"Gods! It's been so long since we had a tournament, screw that glitchy douche."

"Haven't heard anything more truer than that. I have missed this place! Don't even get me started on the bloodshed!"


The ninja cocked his head to his left to see a unhealthily curved body at a glass that's too small for him, Foolish's cream skin was almost all that Ponk could see as the man struggled to find a comfortable spot, his neck craned down with his back looking like a camel's mound.

The shark hybrid is glad that he wasn't given the tallest height like Ranboo or Bad when he wished for them, compared to them, he can easily pass off as human and amongst the peculiars with a different type, he's the third tallest. And against the usual height of the humans in the city, he's bigger than most. 

He couldn't even imagine the enderman fitting in the suffocating tubes when he's already cramping inside the confinement.

Foolish could feel aches forming on his neck and back and it's not good. Not even the slightest.

"But there's a catch, Mitch, would you tell our lovely players here what it is?"

"Gladly," The new narrator, 'Mitch', then cleared his throat. "Like the survival games from the hundred of worlds out there, the only way to win is to DIE."

"Out of all of fifty-six of you, only one must remain!"

The two members of Cogchamp froze. Ponk was petrified, how could they pit real people towards each other?! Are they going to be responsible for the death of what? at least one or two out of fifty-six of them? Did he really think of them angelic when they're the complete opposite?

Ponk glanced at the neighbouring tube to see a teen girl, pale like a sheet and eyes brimming with tears. He felt like the universe just crashed down on him as he fall to his knees, an ugly feeling creeping up like insects crawling under his skin and up to the vile growing in his throat. 

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