Chapter 12 [edited]

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We set Skye in the back of Michael's car next to me and Calum. Ashton sat in the front, fiddiling with his hands. I stroked Skye's hair as she rested her head on my lap. Her legs were curled up in a ball.

Michael drove out of her driveway and headed for his house. Ashton would look back every once in a while with a scowl on his face. I'm not sure if it was at her or the marks on her.

She turned so her face was nuzzled into my jacket. I smiled down at her, she's so peaceful and quiet. How could her father do all of this damage to her?

"We're here." Ashton announces getting out of the car. The rest of us got out as I attempted to wake Skye up.


"Skye, wake up. Come on we're at Michael's." Someone whispers in my ear. I groan and nuzzle in to the sweet smelling cushion that I am laying on.

"Dude she's not waking up. Should we dump her in the pool?" Someone asks. My eyes shoot open and a I am greeted by a smiling Luke and Ashton.

"I'm up, I'm up. Don't do anything." I whine getting up slowly and then tripping over a rock. Ashton catches me and laughs.

"New legs there clumsy?" I punch him playfully and we walk to the back yard. His old tree house stands in the corner. We sat under the shade of the tree in silence.

"It's so quiet." I say to get rid of the awkward silence. We start laughing at my comment.

"So what's up with the scar on your neck?" Luke asks. I move my hair to the side and let them see the scar.

"My dad was out gambling one night and I was home alone. I took a kitchen knife into my room and sat there holding it against my skin. I moved it and I felt the blood flow over my neck. My dad came home and I  hid the knife in my room and threw the bandages over my neck. He doesn't even know about it." I finish off. Tears had started to fall from my eyes. Ashton gripped my hand and threw me into a hug.

We talked for a little bit longer until Luke got the bright idea to throw me into the freezing cold pool. I sat at the bottom for a little longer to scare them.

They pulled me out. My eyes were closed. I could hear them yelling at Luke.

"What have you done?" Ashton screamed. I tried not to laugh.

"Got you, suckers." I snickered opening my eyes. They jumped back into the pool, startled. I laughed at them.

"Help me out here, Skye." Mikey pleads. I walk over to him but he yanks me in with him.

"Mikey!" I yelled, splashing him with water. They a start to laugh and so do I. Ashton wraps his arms around my waist from the back.

"Have I ever told that you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on?" He whispers in my ear. I giggle and turn to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I don't think so." He presses our lips together.

"Well you are." He says into the kiss. I smile and he molds our mouths together.

"Hey love birds, do you want to get some food or not?" Calum calls from the ground. We pull away and climb out.

"I hate you all, you know that?" I say sarcastically. They smile and we walk into Mikey's house and grab some food.

Saved//a.irwin [completed / editing]Where stories live. Discover now