Chapter 5 [edited]

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After Ashton found me laying on the ground in the hall, everything after that was just a blur. The taste of coppery blood was still stuck in my mouth. Ashton carried me up the front steps of the dark blue house that I remember oh so well, and walked me downstairs to his room. I slumped against his wall as he pulled back his sheets on his bed.

I gripped at the dry wall as I stepped up from my seat on the floor. The world seemed to spin around as I stumbled to the bed. My knees sank to the ground and my head hit the backboard. Ashton looked over and knelt next to me, lifting me up on the bed carefully.

"What happened in the hall?" He asked as he was covering me with the blankets.

"I don't know. Everything is kind of a blur." I said. My eyelids drooped and I fell asleep without speaking another word.


Once Skye fell asleep I sat at her bedside and stroked her hair. She had bruises forming over her previous ones. I pulled a strand of hair behind her neck and saw a scar. The thin white scar was shapped as if a knife had sliced through her tissue. I ran my index finger over the scar, feeling the rigid bumps. I removed my hand from the scar and bent over and kissed Skye on the cheek.

"Get better Skye." I walked out of the room heading up the stairs. Skye's backpack lay on the ground with dry blood on the hem.

I walked into the kitchen and looked out the window. Why does this happen to Skye all the time? I wondered to myself. I grabbed a bag of popcorn and popped it in the microwave, pondering over the thought.

The sweet smell filled the air and traveled into my lungs, stinging the back of my throat. I took it out once it was ready and put it in a bowl. I walked back downstairs waiting eagerly for her to wake up. I sat at my desk silently eating my food.

Skye started to sqirm and grabbed hold of the covers, pushing her self upwards. She was awake and sweating. Tears had fallen down her face as well. I put the bowl down and rushed over to her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I grabbed hold of her hand and could feel her pulse. Her eyes were bloodshot as they kept darting around the room.

"Nothing, just a bad dream." She wiped her eyes and squeezed my hand. "Thanks, for taking me here." She got up slowly and wrapped me in a hug. The smell of blood still hung on her like a towel.

She let go and swung her feet over the edge of the bed. "You know." I said, "You drool when you sleep." She looked at me and ran her finger over her right cheek.

"Oh my lord, I do?" She started laughing and I couldn't help but smile. Skye looked at me her eyes dong the normal changing of color. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing, other then the fact that I'm in love my best friend." It went quiet and I knew I did something wrong. She starred at the ground for a moment and then I saw a little smile stretch across her face.

"I love you too." My heart was beating a mile a minute and I felt my cheeks flush.

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