Chapter 30

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I didn't sleep last night, I mean how could I? With all these pills I was on an energy rush. I don't know how but I was. Luke finally left, and so did my mom and Daphne. No other visitors. Perfect.

It's now 10:00 A.M. and the hospital is already swarmed with people. There's been people with broken bones, several surgeries, and any other things I couldn't even imagine.

Right around 10:30 Ashton walked through the front doors. His wrists covered with bracelets and a hoodie rolled up just above the last bracelet. I knew what he did, it was so obvious. I stayed starring at him through the glass window for a few more minutes before he cought my glance. I quickly turned away, looking at my own scars that covered most of my body.

"Skye, I-i don't know what happened. I ju-" I turned to see a crying Ashton at the front of my bed. I nodded knowing what he was explaining.

"I understand." I hold one hand out for him and flip it over so my wrist is visable. He crawls over me and sits by my side. He slowly traces my healing cuts, it burned with each touch but he didn't realize.

"Take off your bracelets." I ordered. He did as he was told, setting the bracelets on the side. When he was done cuts covered his arm up to his four arm. I bit my lip, suppressing a small cry. I bring his wrist to my lips and press them down to his skin.

"What are you doing?" He asks puzzled.

"I caused you this pain, now I want to fix it." I go up all the way till there are no more cuts. I look up at him, his eyes are red and blochy from crying. I extend my hand and brush away the tears. He slightly smile and pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around my lower waist.

"Are we always going to end up like this? Fighting, then crying and hugging to forget about it?" I whisper into his neck. I feel him shrug.

"I don't know." He admits. I let out a low sigh and let go of him, running my hand through my unwashed hair. In the corner of the room my phone lays in pieces across the tiled floor.

Ashton follows my gaze, a small smirk appears on his lips. We start laughing until it becomes quiet once more. I pull the hospital sheets from my legs and I feel the cold air rush to me. Every little breathe caused a pain in my side, causing me to whimper. Ashton looks down at my side and crawls to an open space, pulling me up to his chest and rubbing my back.

"Have you eaten anything?" He asks continuing his actions.

"No." I pause, "Not since I woke up a few days ago." I say honestly.

"They haven't brought you food?" He seems agitated now.

"Well they have, I just don't eat it." I mumble into his shirt. He sighs and lays down on the pillows, by the headboard.

"There's a lot you still don't know." I look up at Ashton, his blonde curls cascading down his face.

"I know, I wish you'd tell me." I search his face, taking in everything. His eyes seem so dark in the dim light.

"Maybe I should. Right now." He looked down and smiled.

"That would be great."


"That would be great." Skye adjusted herself so she could look at me properly.

"Well, after cutting I wouldn't eat for days. I'd lock myself in my bathroom and force myself to throw up. I thought that maybe if I was skinnier I'd be excepted into the society.

I became anorexic and that's why you can always feel my spine or see my ribs. I've actually had several attempts of suicide. The knife to my neck, pills, and I tried drowning myself at the beach one night. I was rescued by a support team later on. I almost didn't make it bacuse if how long I was down there." She continues to ramble on about what she's done that I didn't know about..

When she stops I don't say anything, her eyes wonder over mine looking for a response.

"Ashton?" She squeaks out, her voice is filled with worry. I look over at her and smile.

"I'm just happy that you're still here, Skye. I don't ever want to loose you." I lean down and press my lips to hers, wrapping my arms around her waist as her arms were draped over my neck. I laid her down on the bed,causing the kiss to deepen. I move to her jaw line, then her neck. She pulls away.

", brings back memories of my father." I nod and sit back down next to her, I don't wrap my arms around her, I'm scared she'll think I'm doing something g that she doesn't want to happen. I rest my hands in my lap and fiddle with my fingers.

"Do you want to watch Netflix?" She asks picking up my phone and unlocking it before I could speak.

"Yeah, what do you want to watch?" She pulls up Netflix and starts sifting through the movies and shows.

"Lilo and Stitch?" I smile and look and down. "What?" She presses.

"Nothing, that's just the first movie you and I watched." I look up at her, she is also smiling.

"I know, that's why I picked it." She presses play and props it up between the two of us. She slowly starts to rest her head on my shoulder as we get further into the movie.

We finished Lilo and Stitch along with several other Disney movies. Skye was half asleep by now but was still awake. I went to get up and she moved.

"Are you leaving?" She asks looking at me through her dark hair. I shake my head no.

"No, I'm not leaving again for a while." She smiles and closes her eyes again, falling asleep instantly. I walked to the window and just starred out at the scenery. Street lights ignited the paths to our beloved homes. The moon was right above a small pond the hospital had, its reflection hitting the room and lighting it. I looked back at Skye then my arms, she didn't cause me this pain I did. I'm the one who picked up the razor. I sighed and walked back to my spot on the bed, wrapping my arms around Skye and pulling her close, soon falling asleep.

Heyo my lovely rejects, I hope this chapter was good. So I'm thinking of skipping to when she's in physical therapy and going to her shrink then back to school. Hopefully from there the story gets better.

Please vote, share, and comment as always. It's always appreciated!

That's all for now, so byeo my lovely rejects!

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