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Respect her. Leave her, if necessary. Cry with her. Laugh with her. Stay with her. Enjoy with her. Be grateful to her. Play with her. Sing to her. Read to her. Be happy with her. Make her happy. Roam around with her. Annoy her playfully. Tease her. Be there for her.

What's your first thought? Her boyfriend? Is only her boyfriend that person who can behave this way? Can't another male respect her? Can't her father read to her? Can't her brother cry with her? Can't her friend play with her? Is it only her boyfriend that has to do what every gentleman must, for a girl?

And why, you ask? Because, she deserves it. 

Simple as that. She deserves, having to eat as much as she can, and wants to. She deserves, to think freely and not be forced to pursue 'fashion design' just because it is 'lady-like'. She deserves, to play rugby, and not be considered too violent. Se deserves to rake leaves and play in them without being considered childish, and when a boy does it, he be considered 'just being playful'. She deserves to speak, and deliver speeches and not be labelled 'too bossy'. She deserves, to hold an important position, and not be considered 'incapable'.

She has, certain rights. She has rights to make her own decisions, to not look vulnerable because of the encumbrance of her gender, of her dreams, she has the right to choose 'green' and not 'pink', she has the right to play the bass guitar, not only the lead guitar, she has the right to cry, to get drunk, she has the right to get piercings, she has the right to not wear only dresses, she has the right to walk freely on streets without worrying about her dressing, or her body, she has the right to be herself. 

That does not mean, that men shouldn't cry, that men shouldn't ask for help, that men shouldn't be hurt, that men, should be aggressive and strong, and that men, should be controlling and possessive, for the fear of being 'less manly'.

If men, didn't have the need to be fierce, and forthcoming, women wouldn't feel the need to be vulnerable, and shy. If man, didn't have to be the only person to go to work, woman wouldn't have to be the only person to cook food. 'Feminism' does not mean 'man-hating'. It means equal rights, for man, and woman.

You might think, that it would be ignoring a 'man'. It would be placing a woman, on so high a pedestal, that she becomes unapproachable. You might think, that it is unfair.

But was it unfair, when 'What a girl!' became an insult? Was it unfair, that when people got surprised when a boy got raped said, "I thought raping was for women"? Was it unfair, when men got paid more than women, just because they were men? 

Or is the husband still getting ignored? 

Yes he is, because his wife only changed her name to get married to him, only cooked food three times a day, only went to work and did the housework rest of the day, only took care of her children when her husband went to spend his free time playing golf, only watched the television once in a blue moon, only sat day and night massaging her husband's shoulders, only just did the laundry and cleaning the house.

That's all. 

Yes, maybe the husband is getting ignored. (Note the sarcasm)

It is not that a father's role, is of less importance than a mother's, a man should be put down by society and woman should be given extreme priviledges.

It is just that, please stop stereotyping. Please stop assigning roles. Please stop labelling.

Because it is not you who has to suffer, it is the women who now-a-days don't even feel safe in their own skin.

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