s e v e n t e e n | (A little Harmony)

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I'm not naive. I choose to be the same person I was born as. 

I'm not a masochist or crazy. I feel happy when I sacrifice something for others.

I'm not abnormal. I just feel complete when I know that I've saved somebody's life by not stepping on an ant.

I'm not kind to do stuff for others. It's not my duty. It's not my job. It's a part of my life. 

I don't over-think. I just realise things very quickly. Before I can even stop myself from going further.

I'm not selfless. I just give things to people assuming that I have it in abundance. 

I don't do stuff for people because I would want to be treated like that if I was in their place. I do it because I know that if somebody else was in my place, they wouldn't have done it. And I want to be that somebody who makes people believe that there always is someone that is ready to give you their left hand, even when you've chopped of their right.

Harmony in ChaosTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang