t h i r t y n i n e | (A little more chaos)

95 13 19

A/N: The whole poem is sarcastic, and it is VERY unedited *clears throat* My apologies, and I actually must have scribbled it down in a span of 3 minutes dot. (Sorry again) And it's actually the same. No changes. Please give me your feedback? Thanks guys. You all rock. :") 


Welcome to society,

Be free, you have ages to stay,

But as long as you are bending to our pleasure, 

You will be treated like a slave. 

You can have your own associations,

Of course as long as it's who we choose,

Or else we'd have to tear you down,

Because obviously, your decisions can't be made by you.

It's alright to cry and be sad for a while,

As long as you stop after a while,

Because we'd be the ones to make you cry,

But also shed crocodile tears when you die.

We will rip your clothes apart,

And then put you at shame,

We will then wonder why you have trust issues,

That can't be healed or tamed,

We will watch you suffer while we assault you in different ways,

And then we will pity the fact that you had to go through such bad days.

We will be by your side throughout, not to help you,

But we will be there to portray our "good" selves to others for our noble ways.

It's alright, we won't do anything bad or wrong to you at all,

Well of course unless it's in our endless list of wrongdoings and lies,

Because if you ever cease to be servile and timid,

We will hush you and tie you to your speechlessness to leave you looking at us with pleading eyes.

It's still okay, that you try to be yourself,

Again, conditions apply.

You can be as genuine and real as you want to,

As long as you're perfect, have a flawless body, and a killing smile. 

See, nobody's going to stop you to protest,

But now that you know our rules,

Be careful to face the consequences once you break them,

Because the penalty, is ten times as severe as the punishments just in school.

You can be on top of the social rank ladder,

But only when you have a bossy attitude and a personality-all uptight and high.

Cause when you try to be famous by being different, 

You will be compelled to take yourself down, and endlessly cry.

There is no worse crime, than rape, well we know that.

So we have decided an extremely harsh punishment,

We will put them in gaol, and give them bad food, and bad clothes, (Like, isn't that the perfect punishment for raping?)

And if underage, we will let them roam free on the streets, satisfied in their merriment.

It is not that bad, this society we call 'home',

It just has few limits and mandates to abide by,

Honestly, we will give you an extremely warm welcome,

And then treat you like you were a mistake, not man-made, but made to die.

Also, you must know, that we will always stick together,

But then again, as long as you're one of us, and not any unalike,

Because we cannot tolerate anybody being anomalous,

We're sorry, but we'd have to throw away your dignity and pride. (:/)

One last thing, welcome to society,

We will be jolly and merry and happy, but all for a show,

And once you enter this endless ellipse of surrounding hate, and hypocrisy,

There is no way you can leave without being sad, or with any ray of hope. 


[Dedicated to all those who cause suffering in this world. We will hope and pray that you are saved from the monster that's controlling you. We will try our best. And if the monster doesn't leave, well, we'll have to pay you back then. Sorry, but we're not sorry.]

Harmony in ChaosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora