t w e n t y e i g h t | (Congregation of confusion)

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We're all invisible. To each other. Because we don't seem to notice one another. I admit, I'm not a very happy person. I can make you happy, but for a short while. Then I'd just start showing my true self to you and you'd probably get fed up of me because I complain too much, or get depressed too much, and then there's always that stage of inadvertently giving up on me. Don't worry, I give up on myself a lot too, so I can't really put you at fault. But maybe, just maybe. There's that one person in the approximate 7.5 billion people in the world, that somewhat feels like me. 

I want to meet that person. Not so that we can share what we feel, we can understand each other the most, we finally are at ease, knowing that they won't judge you, they can't possibly, because they feel the same way. We want to meet, so that we can make our hearts believe that there is somebody out there in this world too wide that has the same thoughts as you, and feelings lead to thoughts so they might have the same feelings too, there has got to be some way that you might be able to redeem yourself, just knowing that there is someone facing opposite you, who is a mirror image of you on the inside because now a days we all are "like" each other and not ourselves. 

It feels nice, to be next to someone, and just not say anything, because for the first time silence explains everything, and not one too many words, that don't explain anything. To know that...somebody is right there. And will always be there. 

Sometimes, all somebody needs, is notice. They just. Need somebody to see them. I can look at you, you can look at me, but we still wouldn't see each other.

There are times, when I would just feel like, I don't want this anymore. Maybe I'll get something even worse later, but damn me if there is something worse than what I'm going through right now. But in such times, all I can do is step out of it, because in the end, everything will be a memory. A continuous slideshow of images containing dreams and memories that once mattered to somebody who lived on this blue-green-brown marble made of creatures and soil and water, that we call earth. 

So wouldn't you prefer living this life, or rather, a future memory the best you can because there won't be another 'this time', rather than, whiling this time away hoping that the next moment will be better somehow, and that way you'd never really live your life hoping that the next moment would be somehow, just perfect?

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