f i f t y | [Return for abnegation]

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She's holding hands, with her spirits and ghosts.
She's painting life, with colourful words and sweet quotes.
   He walks to her, and he stares at her.
   Slowly and carelessly, he "falls in love".
She's working so freely, with peace and tranquil.
She has no hurry, just patience and will.
   He is unwell, and depressed and hurt too.
   He has no fame, no path, just a name.
She has a story, a brave one I say.
She has no hate to give, no sadness or grief.
She is only pure, and has nothing to leave.
   He, meanwhile, is embittered and sorrowful and desperate.
   He wants to live, he wants to fly, but there is no freedom's gate.
She comes along, and opens his eyes.
She shows him that there is more to life.
   He looks away, with saddened, glassy eyes.
   He says, "I can't. There is nothing worth in life."
She says, "Alright, let me show you something."
She takes him to thr ocean, and says, "Look at those waves."

   "They have no wings, or any gate, they are only crashing along and changing continuously, their gait.
   "They bave no shape, and no container to give them one.
   "But they have a spirit, an aura that makes them one.
   "They have no inkling, of their past or their future.
   "They have only one vision, which is to keep on moving further.
   They are pushed and pulled, along the shores of uncertain fate.
   "They are encumbered and pressed, and are sent away to cause wreck.
   "But they are strong and they are brilliant.            They will not fall down, unless they first rise high.
   "Don't you want to be, be strong like those waves?"
   "It won't do no harm, you just have to have faith.
   "There is no way out, people will always hurt you in life.
   "But all you have to remember, is never to lose the fight.

   He gazes at her, mouth open and all.
   He knows there is no way out of the trap that she'd had him found.
   He feels the invisible pull, the unusual attraction.
   He wants to stare at her all day, and hear her laughter's sound.
   He can't help but notice how beautiful she is.
   He can't help but think then, how lucky he is.
   He feels like a gem, a precious one guarded by her,
   He feels like this is bliss, it is brilliant that he found her.
   Suddenly he snaps out of his intense gaze,
   She's standing in front of him, with a confused face.
He slowly smiles and says, "Thank you, my love."
"You've shown me way to an unknown,  enlightening place."
"You've helped break my shackles and made me come out of rage."
"I don't know if you love me, but I for sure do,
"Would you care to go out with me, or will just staying here do?"

   "She stares at him, mouth agape and all.
   "Oh, but I haven't done anything.
   "It is just your thoughts, not reality or dreams.
   "I am incapable of love, after the things I've seen.
   "I will spread love, but never, in it will I be.

He, once more hurt, is now bruised and feels unloved.
He, feeling alone, like his heart was torn and shoved.
   She, not realising, that this heartbreak leads to much more,
   She, being oblivious to the wrath waiting in store.
He being gradually, taken over by his demons,
He, being blinded, by obsession and utter panic,
   She, having done, all that he wanted, for him,
   She, giving up all that she needed, for him,
He, feeling bitter, and vengeful and vindictive,
Then plans to hurt her, and satisfy his lust.
He goes to her, talks, and pretends to be happy,
And after a few weeks, he undoubtedly gains her trust.

Little did she know, the dark peril she would face,                                                                                                             Little did she know, the strength of his hate.                                                                                                                       Slowly, she would, when he would break her trust and heart,                                                                                     And eventually, she did, when he avenged his broken heart.

Her soul was already stretched, her mind already controlled,                                                                                     Her feelings already caged, and her happiness already sold.                                                                                       So he managed to shatter, her already ripped up soul,                                                                                                   And he somehow again snatched another part of her whole.

Oh that poor bubbly life, that exuberant daughter of earth,                                                                                         Who once had moved on, after repeatedly shedding tears,                                                                                           She was left yet again, to drown in her sorrows and crawl,                                                                                           And she had to do that, despite the wounds from her previous fall.

Who would have thought, that he would repay her this way?                                                                                       That he would have left her derided, for something that was not her mistake.        

He walks away, triumphant, and satiated,                                                                                                                           She gazes at him, in disbelief and thorough resignation,                                                                                               He glances back, only to see that same fallen angel,                                                                                                         Whose self confidence he had shredded, only in return for her abnegation.    

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