s i x t y f o u r |

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After all, the people that we love the the most, and that love us the most, have the unspoken, ungiven liberty to treat us like shit.


She regrets opening up to some people. No matter how close she was to them, because
It just irks her to know that there are a few people out there who don't even deserve to know her like that, but do.


She likes to sleep. It helps her forget about it. But she's not escaping. Oh no, she isn't. She's just..dealing.


But she won't ever be completely okay, and she knows that. She knows that pain has found comfort in her, it's an endoparasite, and she's the host. But that's alright. At least she's taking care of something, right?
So, she is, taking care. And that's what she tells people when they ask her to take care. Tactful, nay?


Nobody really knows anyone, and neither will that ever happen. We just have to deal with each other.


You know you're in love when the thought of that person with anybody else, is not just mind wrecking, it invades every part of your being.


"But that's okay." is her motto. And people believe she is sad, she doesn't mean it, she cries, everyday, waiting for something to hold on to, but really, she's passed that phase. She does consider it all okay. Because she knows. She knows that it's either wounds festering your soul, or it's okay. But she's strong. So she chooses okay. And she did it herself and people didn't understand they weren't even willing to accept that she has her own reasons, especially even the ones she loved.
But that's okay.


People do not love those, whose eyes show that they are elsewhere.


Oh, they start missing you when they fail to replace you.
She says. She says they will always forget. We just have to hold on until then.
She says. That they will leave. They might stay, but they will become distant, but rejoice until then, and enjoy until after.
Because really, that's okay.


She says, "Moon dust gathers on my past. But the glow of today is undeniable."

Harmony in ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now