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Please don't live for the sake of it.

Please don't force yourself into doing anything.

I know your instincts may not always be right,

But sometimes, trust, can do wonders in darkness and light.

It's okay to feel, to love, you do not need a reason for everything,

We're human beings, and we make mistakes,

You don't have to take it all on yourself,

And suffer because of your own hate.

There is no such thing, as 'not being able to',

Because you are your own master of destiny and fate,

Please don't get so heavily influenced by others,

They're not the ones who control you, they can't make you your own slave.

There is a congregation, a confusion in your mind, I know,

And really, it is all just made up,

It is artificial, it doesn't exist, it has only evolved from your overthinking.

Do not force a smile on, for the fear of helplessly sinking.

Be yourself and open up,

Being strong doesn't mean pushing feelings away,

It means accepting them, and taking a deep breath,

And letting go of all the bothering things that make you break.

It's okay, it's not only you feeling this way,

There are other people feeling similarly too,

Just take that chance of speaking to them,

And instantly, will you see a wondrous change.

Don't be afraid of taking risks,

It is not just going to end badly,

Don't be afraid, so much, of change,

In the end, change is always good, and will affect you pleasantly.

My friend, what are you afraid of?

If you want to live, then go ahead! There is no one to stop you,

They are all just in your way,

And you can always walk around them, or choose another way.

It is your path and your smile,

It is your soul and it is your mind.

Wounds will come and scars will stay,

But who is to say your body will be disabled that way?

Come on, my friend, take a few risks,

Don't get bogged down, by foolish little twits,

Numerous opportunities will come your way,

And one day you will look back and say, "I'm glad I chose this way."

Everybody is a little hurt, a little bandaged and a little broken,

But that is what makes us stronger, nay?

I know you don't know what to think and what to feel,

Well then, because you don't know, how does it matter what you choose to feel?

It's alright, don't pretend, don't ignore or be oblivious,

Follow your heart and do what you think is right,

There is no compulsion to listen to what 'they' say,

Because what you decide matters, and not what they.

You need help you say, eh?

Then talk to somebody you trust the most,

I can't assure you that they will help,

But they will give you a direction in which you can go ahead.

Please open up, say and think what you feel,

And don't let your minds govern you,

There always will be someone to support you,

As long as you speak up, and do what you want to.

Muster courage, and never put on a facade,

Because being yourself is the greatest beauty,

Hold on and don't give up, not just yet, love.

Because there is a whole future ahead of you, do your best to make it lovely.


A/N: I don't even know what's happening to me nowadays. I'm literally just writing. Like, I don't even know what. And my fingers are just going tippety-tappety-tap-we-wanna-type! on the keyboard. But thanks for noticing this, guys. ^-^

-Much love, Me.

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