eighteen || I don't dance

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SURPRISINGLY NO ONE IS HUNGOVER. The guys went at it again for a get together last night at Travis and Aidens place. Given they didn't stay out as late but they had a good amount of drinks by the time they got home.

After Dom rudely interrupted my most happiest moment ever—half naked Violet under me and my fingers lodged inside her—she wouldn't let me get off of her until she got me off. But believe it or not I am still a gentleman. There was no way I was letting her do anything to me.

We're working our way up there. I'm in no rush. But now that I've had a small taste of her, I can't even lie, I want her even more and I can't wait for it to happen.

Still her complete turn around of not wanting to sleep with me is throwing me off a bit. She made it pretty clear that she wasn't going to be sleeping with me when I asked her out on a date.

"Whew! Boy you slacking." Noah's mocking voice snaps me from my thoughts. I curl my fingers around the barbell and let out a breath and set the bar back in the rack.

"Whew! He's pussy whipped already." Dom adds and they all laugh.

I chuckle along with them and flip them off. "Not possible, seeing as I'm not fucking her dick head."

"You caught feelings then." Travis buds in with a smirk.

All of me wanted to deny his accusation. Wanted to tell him that he's fucking stupid and I can't be catching feelings for her. She's a stranger. And I can't be caught doing that same mistake twice.

Truth is I can't say all that because it appears that he is in fact saying the truth. I think I am catching feelings. Maybe it's the hormones talking because I wanna fuck her. I do know that I like her, but catching feelings this soon? I don't know.

Johnny must notice the look on my face as I myself am realizing what Travis said. He's quick to interrupt and save my ass from answering. "It's not like V is the type of girl who gets naked for just anyone." He shrugs. "She requires time and effort put in. Not that you would understand."

Travis smirks. "I didn't say there was anything wrong with liking the girl. She's gorgeous and cool. I just didn't see captain here settling down anytime soon, is all."

"Man y'all spend way too much thinking about me and my fucktivities."

"Man fuck these clowns." Max steps in. "They don't know, having a girlfriend is awesome." And the guys all laugh.

Max is about one of the only players with a girlfriend. He's been with her since last year. Most of the guys thought he wouldn't last with her. But he sure proved everyone wrong. Not only did he last but he never cheats.

Girls here hate the shit out of Sydney. Not only because she's Max's girlfriend and he only has eyes for her but also because she's like one of us. Anyone who disrespects her is an automatic denial. No matter how much we bust his balls and mess with him—he's one of us and so is she. We respect our own and so should others.

For me that's easy to understand. I was in love at a very young age and even then I understood the meaning of a commitment.

All Of YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora