three || Calvary University

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A FEW HOURS LATER, we return to our dorm with half of Walmart and Target in bags. Most of them being necessities—cleaning supplies, shower curtain, dishes, food, girl products and school supplies.

   Shopping with Alice was a lot more simple and fun than what I expected. She automatically split all our essentials down the middle and gave me cash for it even though I refused to take it she insisted.

Helping Alice pick out things for her room was also very fun! She got a super nice comforter from Target and lights to hang on her walls.

First thing we do is put up all our groceries and organize the dishes we bought. We don't have a lot of space for things but it's only two of us so we don't need very many things.

Once we're all done in the kitchen we move along to fix the bathroom. Our black and white striped shower curtain we bought along with the all black bath mat gives our bathroom a nice clean look to it.

About two hours pass and we finish up with the whole suite, rooms included. Since we didn't have to build anything it didn't take as long as we thought it would.

"Remind me again why you bought four bottles of wine?" I say picking up a pink moscato.

Alice chuckles. "Wine is good for the soul. On a stressful day all you need is a bubble bath with a glass of wine."

Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Why is that funny? Don't you like wine?"

"I've only had it once, at a wedding." I admit.

Alice's eyes widen. "My foster mom used to let me drink a glass with her all the time before she got sick. After that it became a habit of my own. I bought an extra wine glass for you as well."

Forster mom? Well that explains her catching a ride here and not having very many personal items. I would love to get to know her more but I also don't want to intrude and ask personal questions. I think it's better that she tells me when she's good and ready, instead of me asking.

"You know what? I think I'm actually gonna do that. It does sound very relaxing and fancy."

"Yay!" Alice claps her hands. "Let's open this bottle now."

   I've never been much of a drinker. My parents had me when they were very young and split when I was only small. My mom is more open minded than my dad but they both still let me drink here and there when I got into high school. They knew during house parties that alcohol would be involved and that they couldn't do anything about that. Even after my dad became a cop he knew the struggles teenagers would face so he never tried to cage me from the world. He would give me big speeches to never take a opened drink from anyone and to have a buddy with me at all times. His words always stuck with me and I think that's why I never cared much for drinking since I knew I was allowed to do it, it didn't seem as appealing.

   However drinking wine in a tub full of bubbles sounds more fun than getting wasted at some party so it has definitely caught my attention. Plus, I have a feeling drinking with Alice will be extra fun.

Alice opens the bottle of wine and pours some into our glasses. "Have you picked your major yet?" She asks.

   "English and dance."

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