chapter forty seven || new opportunities

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So good, I didn't wanna come back home. I was extremely worried about meeting his family-thinking they weren't going to like me, thankfully it was the opposite. They were all so kind and showed me a wonderful time. But I'm back in school now! Back to reality. That means end of school, finals and almost packing to head back home.

It's a quarter to three and I'm already running late for a meeting.

"Miss Storm, nice of you to make it." Says my dance teacher, Miss Norbury. "I was just about to pack up and leave."

I cringe at her words. I'm never late. And if there's anything I hate-is being fucking late! "I'm so sorry. Professor Hughes kept me late." I explain. "She's getting me prepared for next years co-op class."

"Actually, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." She walks behind her desk and pulls out a pamphlet, handing it over to me. 'Encore School of Dance' is written in nice bold cursive letters on the very front. "I was offered a job there in Boston and I'm considering it. However, I thought it was a good opportunity for you to be my assistant helper. It can be a good way for you to gain some experience in both teaching young children and ballet."

Literally I'm standing here speechless. Processing her amazing offer. It is an amazing opportunity. "Ahem." I clear my throat, still trying to find the perfect words for this perfect offer. "Will this be next year or when-"

"Summer job." She clarifies. "I know you don't live in Boston necessarily and that ballet is not really your priority. But it is a great opportunity. And you have a talent for dance. Violet, you have a bright future ahead of you and honestly, I think you'll make an amazing teacher-but how do you know that maybe this can't be a path for you as well if you don't give it a shot?" She pauses, taking a seat on her desk chair as I remain standing across the room, in silence. I gulp and give her nod. "Listen, you don't have to give me an answer right now. Take a moment to really think it over and then get back to me. My dead line is the fifteen of May, you'll have till then as well." Miss Norbury's voice is firm. Her confidence in me so reassuring.

My mind continues to spin, as I walk back to my room. Since I was a child my mom put me in ballet and piano classes. When I was a child, I love it. I still do. But that's not how I saw my future. But then I guess, I never stopped to consider that I could also be a teacher for dance.

There's no harm in trying it out. It's not like I had much going on during the summer anyways. Just to spend it with Miguel. I sigh. Trying to ignore my inner voice that's not helping.

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