chapter twenty six || it's different with you

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It's been two weeks since Halloween. Two great weeks with my boyfriend—words that still cause butterflies—lost in pure bliss, of nonstop laughter, cuddles and hot sex. Along with our normal life.

Being involved in each other's life other than just partying and sex, is so amazing. I'm not sure if it's just that I didn't do it right before or it just feels like this with him.

Thankfully his games have been no more than two hours away from here so I was able to attend both. The ame with another one of my dance shows. He always goes, along with out friends. And he's so attentive and romantic with me. Something, that I definitely didn't expect.

All these feelings between Miguel and I caught me by complete surprise and I never imagined myself this crazy over him. But here I am, waking up next to him most of the time and when I don't—he's the first thing I think of.

However the big factor is that I chose not to tell Miguel about Colt and what happened Halloween night. Noah also didn't give me much information about this Nicole girl, except the obvious that she's his ex and I put the rest together. He was in love with her and she broke his heart.

What I would like to know though, is how Colt knows her and more importantly, why he spoke of her as if she was around us. I kept wondering if she comes here to Calvary but it doesn't make sense, one somebody for sure would've told me or two, I'm thinking she would've made herself relevant.

Thing is, I'm not sure what all, I want to know.

"What time are you trying to leave this weekend?" Alice asks from her side of the booth, then popping a fry into her mouth.

   "We can just leave like around six a.m"

It's only two days before we all leave for our Thanksgiving break. I'm super excited to see my parents and family and for them to meet A. But I'm also gonna miss Miguel. It hasn't been long since we've started hanging out but I love having him around.

Alice nods in agreement. "Sounds great. You sure your moms is okay with me going?"

"Trust me, they can't wait to meet you." My parents have already met her through FaceTime but it's not the same. I talk about her all the time and so far she's been a really good person to me and just in general she's super nice so my mom definitely likes her. "Now hurry up and finish your food. The guys are coming and we have a lot to do."

Before we head off on a four hour road trip, I need to take my car to get an oil change and just make sure it's running one hundred, (Miguel's words not mine.) so him and Johnny are about to pick us up at the car shop and take us to do some last minute errands, for them as well.

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