six || I like my girls sober and awake

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THE THROBBING IN MY HEAD ONYLY SERVES to remind me why I don't get shit faced anymore.

A groan rips out of my throat as I reluctantly crack open my eyes. It's pitch black in my room but I can still see a ray of sunlight through the crack of my curtain.

Attempting to move I feel another body right next to me. Turning my head as slow as possible—there's a girl in my bed—she's lying on her side, hugging tight on to one of my pillows as her chest heaves in soft breaths.

There's a girl on my bed and neither of us are naked.

   Realization begins to hit me as the memories come back in flashes.

Beer pong with Violet against Johnny and Alice. Shots. Laughter. Keg stand. More shots and more laughter.


No wonder I feel like shit.

Somehow we made it back to my house. We laughed all the way up stairs with a Ciroc bottle in my hand and Violet on the other. But we didn't sleep together. Not because I didn't want to but because she was too drunk. And that's not my style. I don't need a girl to be stumbling drunk to get her in bed—hell if anything I'm the one always getting corrupted.

Making an attempt to move, I sit up on my bed. Violet begins to stir. She releases a small moan and holy fuck if that's not the sexiest noise I've ever heard. Looking at her harder I begin to notice she's no longer in that sexy dress from last night—nope—she's in my football jersey.

She began to undress herself and I quickly threw my jersey over her almost naked body as she laughed.

Another moan leaves her mouth before she slowly opens her eyes. She blinks in confusion as she stares at me. Then she gasps, shooting up from my bed.

And, fuck my life she looks fucking hot in my jersey.

Her green eyes on alert as she takes in her surroundings. "How did I get here?" She gasps again. "Oh my God! Did we?!"

"No." I say standing from the bed in, what do you know only my boxers.

Violets eyes widen, almost cartoonish like they're about to pop right out. "Oh my God!" She chuckles. "Please cover up."

I look down and see she's talking about my morning wood. "Relax, it's early."

She tries to hide a smile. "Fine. Where is my dress?"

   And for what seems like the thousand time in less than five minutes Violet gasps once more as realization hits her!

"Um." I begin to look around. "Maybe the bathroom?" Walking over to my dresser I grab some sweats and throw them on.

   "Oh my God! How did I end up in your jersey?" She attempts to walk but stumbles over the vodka bottle. I tighten my lips trying to hold in my laugh. I hit the light switch so we're no longer in the dark and she squeals pulling on my jersey to cover the top of her sexy thighs causing me to chuckle.

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