chapter forty eight || the bonfire

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   We've only been here no more than an hour and already people are drunk and jumping into the lake. If this early during the night people are acting like this, I can't imagine later on at night.

   For some reason the house seems bigger than last year. Maybe they added to it or something, who knows. This massive hows of like ten bedrooms must be a bitch to clean up after this insane wild ass party.

   The back yard is enormous. Hell, so is the from one. The house is like apart from any other houses around here. Nothing but trees and the lake around. Which is why this is the chosen spot for the last party of the year. We don't get any noise complaints since there's no close by neighbors. And thankfully nothing massive has happened—no one has drowned in the lake or eating by a wild animal—things of that sort.

   Noah calls us over to the kitchen, showing us the drinks. But it's so fucking loud in here. I'm not sure what kind of speakers or surround system they added to this house but it plays at a deafening tone inside and out. "They have beer in here and the liquor is over there." He instructs and I nod. Dom, Noah Max and some of the other guys got here an hour before us.

   I grab a corona for Jay and I, while the girls head over to the margarita machine. These frat rich kids think of every possible way to get a motherfucker drunk. "Shots!" A female voice shouts. Melissa, of course. She holds a Hennessy bottle in her hand and is going around pouring shots in peoples mouths.

   "Wooooo! Whoooo!" People shout. "Ayyyyyy!" More people scream.

   Melissa starts with Noah and then makes her way around the group to pour shots in our mouths. She controls the bottle so no ones mouth touches it and we tell her when to stop. It's a pretty clever and more creative way to take shots, I suppose.

   Once she gets to me, Mel gives me a mischievous smirk. "Shot, lover boy?" Then eyes Violet and gives her a wink.

   "Eyes over here Mel." I playfully scold. Don't want her getting anymore ideas about my girl. "And yes." I lean back and she pours the liquid in my mouth.

   "Ayyyyyyy!" And "Yeeeeaaaaahhh!" People cheer. I see the flash on of peoples phones recording me. And I raise up my hand signaling her to stop. Like a champ I took that shot now it's Jays turn. Even Violet and Alice take one and I'm surprised at how well they handle it.

   After the shots we all walk a lap around the whole house until we catch up with the rest of the team. I'm really gonna miss these guys. Especially Chris and Saunders who officially graduate. Taking another shot for the team and our fellow graduates, we decide to hang out here the rest of the night.

   Buzzing kind of hard, Violet and I find ourselves making out pretty hard, on the side just a few feet away from our friends. Im trying so hard to convince her for us to go find a room upstairs but she's not that drunk yet.

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