chapter thirty seven || christmas eve

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YALL REALLY NEED TO WAIT TILL MIDNIGHT." My mom exclaims. Almost all night my little niece and nephew have been bugging to open all the gifts.

I laugh from the floor where I'm sitting playing in a very serious and heated game of UNO against my my sister, her boyfriend my dad and brother. "Eli, do the puppy dog eyes." I tell my nephew.

"Cual puppy dog eyes, ni que nada. There's only fifteen minutes till twelve." My mom never let's us cheat. Every year she makes us wait for midnight on the dot. "Instead of whining, help me clean the floor so we can all start sitting down, as soon as they finish this game."

"Ándale Eli, help your grandma." Mason tells his son and he does.

Only two minutes until midnight and both my dad and Mia have only one card left. It's my turn and I can't figure out if to drop a +4 or just a regular red card. My phones buzzes right next to me and I'm instantly distracted when V's name pops up. Fuck it. I throw down the red 5 and we all turn towards my dad. He smiles for a dramatic affect, refusing to throw down his card.

"Dad!" Mia whines and he laughs. He throws down his hard. A beautiful red card. I've never been so eager to finish a game of UNO. "Dammit! I had a red card to." Mia spits.

   Grabbing my phone, I unlock it and completely zone out to my surroundings.
Merry X-más. To you and your family. I hope you have a wonderful night. ❤️

   Reads her text. Simple and to the point. She ended it with a red emoji heart and I can't help but to use that as a sign of hope again. It may mean nothing but she also could've just left the text in a period.

   "Miguel!" My mom shouts. "Are you listening to me?"

   "Sorry ma. What did you say?" And my mom sighs.

   She repeats her instructions again and tells me where I need to sit so she can hand out the gifts. This time I do as I'm told and patiently sit down so I can send her back a text.
Merry Christmas V. Wishing you and your family all the best as well. ❤️

   "Dame ese teléfono!" My mom spits, taking the phone from my hands. I know when she starts shouting in Spanish she means business and I can't even cross her.

   A few moments later we are sitting in place full of gifts in front of us. Christmas for us is the best and real intimate and other families come over to drop off some gifts and we do the same.

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