chapter thirty one || turning point

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MY ROOMMATES ARE ALREADY HOME by the time I arrive. My flights got delayed thanks to some asshole there at the airport. All good though, just glad I made it safe.

When I walk into the living room the guys are all sitting around on the couches. Noah is folding his laundry, while Dominic and Johnny play Call Of Duty.

"Honey, you're home." Noah sarcastically points out with a smirk on his smug face.

"Hey man!" Johnny says not looking over at me at all, his eyes glued to the flat screen. "How was your break?" He asks but clearly not at all focused on me.

"Uh, it was cool." I answer and set my bag down on the ground. I don't bother asking them about their break since their too busy. Looking over at Noah, I ask. "How long y'all been here?"

"Since noon. And Dom got here like around two."

Noah and Johnny both live in New York so they drove together and Dom like me in Texas only he's in Houston.

"Oh you got a package by the way dude." Dom informs me—once again—without even looking in my direction.

I pull out my phone from my pocket to check my messages but Violet still hasn't responded. With a sigh I lock my phone and walk over towards the kitchen. "A package?" I shout over my shoulder.

Noah walks in after me and opens the fridge grabbing a beer. "We put it on your bed." He shrugs. "Seemed...important."

"Hand me one." I ask him and he does. "Are you done with the washer then?"

"Yes sir." He says on his way out of the kitchen.

Who the fuck leaves packages on a Sunday? I'm slightly suspicious. It could be a fucking prank from these assholes, all though they look pretty calm about it. However, I don't let my guard down.

Grabbing my bag, I head upstairs to see this so called package and to separate all my clothes. I have no clean clothes.

My door is all the way closed and I don't see a light on in there. I'm completely snapped back into full suspicion mode now.

My head twist from side to side and behind me. I'm looking around to see if they planted something. Slowly I turn my door knob and give it a shove with my leg.

Slowly I step inside and holy shit!

"Finally!" She says, standing up from my bed. My eyes nearly pop out of my face like a scene from The Mask. My cock reacts, thickening beneath my zipper. "I was about to give up and go home."

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