chapter forty || the championship

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THE STADIUM ENTRANCE WAS CROWDED by roaring fans. I walked around them, in search of our seats. Alice, Cass and Leah strolled right behind me.

   Our seats are only a few benches behind the field. VIP section for sure. I'm sure from here I can smell the blood and sweat of these guys.

   Despite how we left things on New Years, I was not about to miss his championship game. Everything Miguel said he was gonna do for his team, he did it. Johnny gave Alice four tickets for the game but I knew two of those were from Miguel.

   The night he came out to Boston to see me was an amazing surprise and a nice gesture but as much as I wanted to say yes to everything he was proposing and dive into his arms, I couldn't. I love him but I love me more and I needed to learn how to be stronger.

   Yes, he's the love of my life but what if I always just give in to his apologizes because he runs after me or climbs on plane. It's more than that—my heart is at stake I couldn't just say, yes. So, I climb on him and gave him a kiss (there was no way, I was gonna pass on kissing the love of my life for New Years even if we weren't together) and we said goodbye.

   Avoiding him during school was easy since I know he's giving me my space. I've been only focusing on school and not attending parties, but every now and then I have gone to Flips. That's where I've seen Miguel a few times playing pool. He secretly buys me drinks and watches out for me but keeps his distance.

   Rumors travel fast—especially when it's about the football players and girls are pretty pissed cause he is apparently celibate. I can't even lie that rumor is one I'm hoping is true because it made me so very happy.

   I lied to him when I said I wanted to explore. That was not happening. I just needed to find me again without Miguel. I'm still me. And I still love him. The minor detail is that I did get Chris—the bartenders number that night after Miguel left. I haven't seen him but we do talk—a lot.

   Nothing flirtatious. At least from my part. The night we met he was cute, charming and we did flirt but it was nothing. I knew it and I've been clear to him about it. He knows how I really feel. There is no confusion. We're just friends.

   A horn blows out and people scream. The team runs out on the field and everyone stands. I cheer with the crowd—their screams are so loud they drown out mine and I'm glad.

   The game begins and it becomes intense. Miguel has been doing so good, along with his teammates. They're so focused and giving it their all to win this. Alice, Leah and Cass have all been to the snack bars and bathrooms, except for me. I don't even wanna blink.

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