GhostInnit (Pt.1)

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A/N this has some trigger warnings you might want to read. 

mentions of suicide

TommyInnit POV

Tnret had just been blown up with Logtedshire, I had no where to go except stay here and rebuild. So I did just that. I grabbed a lot of wood and rebuilt the tent I used to live in. I couldn't rebuild Logstedshire. I am not a good builder and honestly, I don't know how Ghostbur built this. After awhile I was finally done with the new tent. I had gotten my sleeping bag and everything. The sleeping bag wasn't that bad, the soft comforting wool mixed with the uncomfortable wood underneath.

Sometimes it was comforting and other times it really wasn't. I had gotten used to it after awhile. I have forgotten how long it has been since I've been here, I really only tell the time by the Sun and the Moon. My eyes are no longer blue, they are almost deeper than Ghostburs blackish eyes. 

I hadn't eaten in I think 2 weeks? I really don't know, I have really gotten lost with time. Ghostbur often comes by and tells me stories and sings songs, but today I had a different plan. 

"Hello Ghostbur." I watched as he walked through the portal and walked over to me. 

"Hello Tommy!" He was always so cheerful, I don't know how he did it. I guess he had noticed how thin I was becoming, because my shirt was so torn it showed my stomach. 

"I brought you new clothes!" He smiled cheerfully and placed the clothes on my bed. I assumed they were his clothes because when I put them on they were big on me. 

"Thank you Ghostbur, I appreciate it." My voice was almost more monotone than Technoblades voice. 

"No problem, you looked like you needed it! I hope you start feeling better." I appreciated having Ghostbur, yeah, but I didn't really count him as a human. He is a ghost for crying out loud! I can't get warm comforting hugs from him! The hugs are cold. Not comfy and warm. 

"Well I'm about to go to L'manberg, do you want anything?" I looked at him with a stare full of hatred. 
"Listen Ghostbur, I want nothing to do with L'manberg anymore. Tell them I never want to see them again. They obviously don't want me now. I have no power anymore so I'm useless to them." Ghostbur looked at me with the most sad look I have ever seen him do. 

"Tommy thats not true. Dream told them that you wanted nothing to do with them, and that you said that you hated them. I can tell them the opposite right now and make them believe me by bringing them here." I had never been surprised more in my life then right now. 

"R-really?!" I looked around and figured they would know that something other then what they heard had happened. 

"Yes, I'll tell everyone to meet at the community house. I'll be right back Tommy!" He floated away into the Nether Portal, not even 20 minutes later, when I was laying down in the grass I heard the nether portal whoosh. 

"Tommy!?" I heard everyone yell. I sat up and looked in disbelief. 

"Everyone...?" Everyone was shocked at my new found appearance. Eyes blacker then the void of nothing, skinnier then ever before. Everyone ran over to me and just watched as I got up. 

"Hello.." My voice was raspy from being so unused, I just sounded and looked sad. They all looked at me with worry in their eyes. 

"Toms?" I heard Philza

"Phil...?" I looked at where his voice was coming from, it really was him. 

"Everyone, don't over crowd him, this is the most people he has seen at once, back up." Thank you Phil, I guess I didn't really notice how uneven my breathing had become. Phil had went up to me and hugged me. 

"Oh my gods Toms whens the last time you ate?!" I heard more then a slight worry in his voice. 

"I don't know, probably 2 weeks at this point. I think Ghostbur told me that it had been December 31st and told me to eat up. and thats the last time I remember eating." I heard a small gasp from everyone. When I looked up all I saw were tear filled faces. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. The nice comforting hug I had been looking for. 

"Toms, please eat..." I guessed I had fallen asleep, because when I woke up, I was in my tent and Phil was right next to me. I heard other voices and the sound of a furnace going. 

"Oh you're awake, you fell asleep in my arms last night." I looked at Phil and for some reason I felt a warm comforting aura. 

"Yea, Sorry about that." He chuckled a bit.

"No need to be sorry, I found it a bit funny." I was glad to have people here. I sat up and waited for myself to get more awake. 

"Also I see Ghostbur brought you some of Aliveburs clothes." I looked down for a second and back up at Phil.

"Yeah, if you want to see my clothes from before Ghostbur got me these clothes I can show you." Phil looked concerned.

"Yeah, please do show me." I got up and grabbed a few things. My axe, my pickaxe, and some food, I knew I wasn't gonna eat it but, I was gonna have it for when I want to sprint. 

"Over here near Logstedshire. Ghostbur brought them over here and gasped at how Logstedshire was blown up." I looked away at the ground and looked back up. 

"Dream was the one who blew it up, it was my fault for trying to get stuff to defeat him." Phil hadn't said anything. 

"Just right here." I picked up my clothes and showed it to Phil. I saw so much worry fill his face as he grabbed everyone who was here and showed them how poorly I had been living. 

"Tommy..." I heard a voice appear through the portal. 

"Ranboo?" I felt all eyes look at me and then Ranboo.

"Dream lied to us I knew it. I haven't been coming here as often because of Dream. He said that you hated everyone but I knew the truth. I know you miss everyone. Even Tubbo. The one who exiled you." 

"Yea... That- Thats true..." Everyone looked at me with shock. They hadn't known that I did actually care.

"Tommy, do you still care for me?" I heard a monotone voice ask from afar.

"Of course I do, you are my brother Techno..!" I tried to yell but it hurt to bad. For a second I thought I saw Techno looking shocked. He probably didn't think I still cared about him after all that hes done. 

"But I am officially DONE with L'manberg. I am a child who wants to live my life without war!" Everyone looked shocked at me. Dream then came through the portal and saw everyone. I immediately cowered. 

"Dream?" I heard Techno's confused voice. I hid in a hug given to me by Phil. 

"Why are you all here? Didn't he tell you not to come here?" I heard the lies in Dreams voice. I was angered. 

"Thats IT Dream. Im done being manipulated so you can have your fun with L'manberg. I am no longer a citizen of L'manberg. I am a citizen of Logstedshire. Population; All of L'manberg Citizens." I looked Dream dead in the eye.

"Were you hiding behind Philza?" 

"Yes. I won't lie I was scared but now I'm PISSED. Dream. You are hear by EXILED from Logstedshire." I looked him in his eyes. 

"What?! You can't do that!" 

"I can. Goodbye. Punz. Sapnap, George." 

"Dream, You should have payed me more." And Exiled he was. I looked at all of the faces that looked at me. 

"I am sending off my power to Eret, the king." I heard a slight gasp. I looked over at Techno who was smiling. 

"No more government?" Techno asked.

"No more government." I replied. 

"One last thing, follow me into the Nether. There is one last thing I must do." Was I really about to do this? Once we got to the middle of the path, I waited until everyone crowded around me. 

"I love you all..." As I fell off the path, falling into the lava, I saw all the faces once happy and confused, turn to sadness and tears. 

"Ghostbur?!" I heard everyone scream, when I looked down, Ghostbur was sitting by the lava. 

"I'll be waiting for you my brother." I fell into the lava and let it consume me.

"I'll be there." I whispered as I died, feeling the burn of the lava. Slowly feeling everything around me disappear, turning into darkness. 


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