Wings? (with a twist)

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A/N Im sorry people of the world. (not actually sorry though.)

TommyInnit POV 

I woke up feeling a sharp pain in my back, I lifted my shirt up to see two big Phoenix wings. 

"Woah!" I quickly picked myself up and hid them. I heard Phil in the living room. 

"Dadza, Dadza!!" I saw Wilbur playing guitar next to Phil. 

"Can it wait? I'm helping Wilbur right now." I froze, I'm pretty sure Techno noticed and walked up behind me before I stormed off. 

"Why do I always have to wait?" I asked myself. I moved to the corner of my room furthest from the door. I put my head on my knees. I guess I was too blinded by my sadness to even notice someone walked in. 

"Hey Toms... What happened?" It was Techno. 

"...Oh... just dadza ignoring me like usual..." I smiled up at him. 

"Tommy...." I cried into his shoulder. I heard a sigh come from him. 

"Do you want me to go get Wilbur?" I nodded. 

"Alright, I will be right back." I nodded and hid back in the corner. 

"Tommy?! What's wrong?!" Wilbur rushed over to me quickly. 

"Dad l-likes you and Techno more than me. Why does he always tell me to wait...." I felt Wilbur and Techno rush to hug me. I pulled out my wings. 

"I thought he would be proud of me for having Phoenix wings..." Wilbur and Techno gasped. 

"Can we care for your wings?" I nodded. They quickly and softly brushed through my wings. Pulling out feathers that weren't needed, they were almost as big as Philza's. 

"Can you guys go get Dadza and bring him here, he only seems to listen to you guys." I had planned that I would leave my dead feathers all around my room, and leave a note saying I had ran away. 

"Sure." They left, and as soon as they did, I wrote the note, scattered the feathers, and quickly jumped out my window. I didn't know how to fly yet, but I glided my way down, so I  wouldn't take any damage. I quickly ran as fast as I could, which was fast because I could outrun Phil's flying. 

"TOMMY!! PLEASE WAIT FOR ME!!" I heard Wilbur yell, I stopped and saw him right behind me. 

"Okay!" He quickly caught up with me, and we ran as fast as we could. Wilbur was just as fast as me, so I didn't have to worry about him keeping up. Once we made it to a safe location, we called it L'manberg. 

6 years later when L'manberg got blown up. 


"The real Phoenix?!" I heard Ranboo behind me. 

"What do you mean 'The real Phoenix'?" Ranboo strolled up behind me, and ruffled my feathers, cleaning them, and brushing them. 

"I used to have to take care of a Phoenix, his name was T something I think-" I cut Ranboo off. 

"Oh? What happened to him?" Ranboo put his hand over his head. 

"I don't remember very well, but I think he ran away." I paused. 

"Did he have someone with him?" Ranboo nodded no. 

"No he was alone, thats when he died, he said as his last words, 'I will pass my power onto someone with the same trauma as me, or is going to have the same trauma as me, keep them safe...' thats all I remember of him." I nodded. 

"So- His family ignored him, forced him into wars since he was 9... and his brother got killed by his dad? And he was exiled twice?" Ranboo froze. 

"That's worse then what he went through... He was 40- He told me everything, nothing could amount to what you have been through... And you are what? 15-16 years old???" I nodded. 

"Well that shows you the type of shit world we live in.." I laughed. 

"Techno and Wilbur were there for me... Or well- they tried..." I looked at Phil. 

"He never was, now he is replacing me... JUST LIKE EVERYONE ON THIS GOD DAMN SERVER. I am leaving, don't come after me." I ran as fast as I could, everyone was trying to come after me, but they eventually gave up. I ran, and ran. I came across a child crying. 

"Hey little guy... What's wrong?" I smiled at him softly. 

"My parent's dumped me because I am half pigmen!" He cried out. I picked him up and said something, him and I will never forget. 

"I would never dump you..." I ran with him to the nearest dark oak forest. 

"Wanna help me build a house like big men do?" He laughed and smiled and cheered. 

"Alright big man, Your name is now..." I thought about it. 

"Toby. You remind me of my old friend named Toby, so your name will be Toby." He smiled. 

"Look over there! A bee!" I laughed. 

"Do you want to make a bee farm, while I make the house?" Toby nodded. 

"Alright big T, we have a lot of work to do." I smiled, he smiled with me. 

Time skip brought to you by my dangerous mouth (I got in trouble for saying I dare you after a teacher threatened to put me out in the hall.) 

"Were done!" I had finished the house, and helped Toby build the bee house. 

"I like the bee farm so much! Thank you dad-" I smiled. 

"You can call me dad, lets go inside before the goblins come and get us!" I laughed, we both went inside. 

"I want to show you something, so that you feel more comfortable around here." I pulled my wings out, and my new son cheered. 

"Those are so cool!!!" I smiled. 

"Alright, want me to read you a bed time story?" He nodded violently. I picked him up, and brought him to his room. 

"Once upon a time.."

Time skip brought to you by my terrible writing (4 years later, Toby is 9 Tommy is 20) 

"Do you want to see if my old friends are still where they are?" Toby nodded. I handed him some gold armor while I put on my netherite armor. 

"Lets go!" I grabbed onto my sons hand. As soon as we made it there, everything was still the same, except there was this red shit everywhere, I picked my son up, I had a bad feeling about this red shit, and since the glass was slowly crumbling because of the huge hole in the ground. 

"This is the L'manberg hole I was telling you about!" My son looked around in amazement. 

"Want to go see my old dirt shack? Conner probably already took it though." My son and I laughed. 

"Alright, here we go!" We made it to my house safely, to see Conner had taken it. I knocked on the door. 

"W-whos there?!" I stumbled a bit at the shakiness of his voice. 

"Conner... What happened while I was gone?!" Conner looked at me softly. 

"Dream! Badboyhalo! Th-They are taking over the server!" I nodded. 

"Wait- TOMMY?!" I nodded and laughed. 

"Yeah, the big man is back to destroy whats left of Dream." Conner engrossed me in a hug. 

"Please let me come with you!" I nodded. Whatever happened, I was gonna need Conner to explain. 

"What happened while I was gone?" Conner studied the red shit for a little bit. 

"Well, there was this thing called the egg.. And it took over the server.. Dream started taking control of everyone, Dream and Badboyhalo teamed up... And now the server is in shambles..." 

"Where is Tubbo, Ranboo, Puffy, and Sam." Conner pointed down the broken down prime path. 

"What happened to the prime path?!" Conner looked down. 

"People couldn't repair it... You were gone, so they didn't see the fun in keeping what you left, alive..." I nodded. 

"Alright. Hey Toby?" My son looked up at me. 

"Don't be nervous, Dad's gonna protect you." I smiled. My son smiled back at me. 

"That- Thats your son?" I smiled.

"Yeah, his parents threw him out, so I adopted him. I think he was around 5 years old. He reminded me of Tubbo, so I called him Toby." I smiled. 

"Poor kid..." I nodded. Conner left me by a room where I heard screaming.

"NO I WONT JOIN YOU!!!" Tubbo?! Ranboo?! I quickly ran down the stairs and saw a happy Tubbo and a happy Ranboo and a scared Dream and Bbh. 

"What the FUCK did you do to MY bestfriends you FUCKIN ASSHOLES!!!" My son grabbed my hand. 

"D-dad is that the boy you named me after..?" I nodded after he pointed at Tubbo. 

"Yea he is Toby. Why don't you go back up with Tubbo, Ranboo, and that other kid thats in here." 

"Thats Michael, please do keep him company Toby.." Tubbo smiled. 

"Sorry I was late, I wanted to keep Toby safe. I understand that was the best option seeing how things are going now." Tubbo and Ranboo nodded. I untied them both using my netherite ax. 

"Anyways, how have things been going?" I said while I fought Dream and bbh at the same time. 

"Pretty terr- WAIT HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD NOW?! WHAT THE HELL?!" I laughed. 

"Well living in the woods with a kid to protect makes you pretty good." They just looked at me. 

"Tubbo seriously why dont you- TOMMY?!" Phil looked at me in shock, he was not ready to see a son, who he had assumed was dead, to be right in front of him.

"Have you met my son yet? His name is Toby- Named after Tubbo, he loves bees. I think Tubbo and him would get along." I smiled and got Dream low, as well as bad. 

"Man! I didn't even break a sweat. To think I used to die to these people!" I laughed. 

"Do you think I could beat Techno? I don't think so, but it would be fun to try! I know I only have 1 cannon life left, but I have gotten pretty good, plus if I get low, I can yell for someone." I smiled. 

"Can you not hit me?" I tied Dream and Bbh up. 

"Thank you, geez. I wanna go see people, while holding these people- Wait why didn't Techno just kill them?-" Phil looked at the ground. 

"He died to an explosion that Bad and Dream placed outside his home, the rubble fell on him, and suffocated him... He re-spawned in there every time. Causing him to lose all of his lives." I looked at Phil. 

"Man- All that happened while I was gone? Dream, prove to me that the legend is true, that you are the revive book." Dream looked up at me. 

"How the hell do you know that?!" I looked down at him. 

"Well- I mean- I was just guessing, you do have DreamXD right? He can bring people back and all that." Dream stared at me, before Techno popped up in front of me. 

"Happy?" I smiled. 

"Hey Techno, been awhile!" I smiled, "I'm 20 now! And I have a kid!" Techno stared at me. 

"Holy hell- Tommy- you did it?! You took them down?!" I laughed. 

"Well, took me like 4 to 5 years but yea!" Techno laughed. 

"Wow." Techno being Techno, simple as ever. 

"Yeah- Anyways how did you know about that? Was there something in the ghost realm where like you could watch from Ghostbur's point of view or go in the real world, but you couldn't interact with anything?" Techno looked at me. 

"You know a lot more than you used to. but yeah, the second one." I nodded. 

"When you live with only one person at your side, especially a child, you learn things." They all laughed. 

"I know what you're thinking, and I am not a child anymore, I'm 20 years old." I laughed. 

"So anyways, can we go out and walk around? I want to fix some things." They all nodded, Bad and Dream went for another hit, and I killed them both; It popped up in chat. All I got from chat were some, 'What?!'s and some 'Tommy?!'s I went back up the stairs to see Toby and Michael getting along. 

"Daddy!!" Toby went up and hugged me. 

"Hey bud, wanna join me as I walk around and fix things up?" Toby nodded. At last, everyone was at peace, and we were home again.

A/N I hope you liked this, It was over 2100 words ;)

TommyInnit Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن