Raised In The Forest (Pt.2)

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A/N I guess you guys really liked that last part.

TommyInnit POV

It was soon dark, and mobs were coming out. Phil offered to let me stay with him, but I really didn't want to. It was dark, yes, and I couldn't see the trees, I know pretty stupid of me, but I rely on noise most of the time. The forest guided me halfway to my base before I heard something behind me. I couldn't keep up with the forest. I turned around quickly and saw in the glimmering light that barely shown above us, a zombie. 

"Hello..?" It paused, and didn't attack me, though I thought, 'Aren't they viscous creatures that hurt you no matter who you are?' Well, I was half right, apparently once it saw my face it didn't want to hurt me anymore. I had caught up with the forest again, but losing it once again when I felt an arrow in my side. 

"Huh- Is someone there?" I turned to where the arrow came from, and then an arrow missed me, probably on purpose. I never had to deal with mobs, but I guess since new people are here and I am doing this by ground because I couldn't see the trees, they might have thought I was a traveler. 

"I guess it was nothing, come on Clementine!" I heard Clementine walk up to me, and let me know she was there. We walked all the way to my farm, before I passed out from the pain, I hadn't noticed it, but I was badly hurt. The next morning I woke up, I was somewhere warm, with something wrapped around where I thought the arrow was. 

"A-" I opened my eyes, I was in the house that I had helped Phil build. 

"Wha-" I looked around and saw Phil looking at me concerned. 

"Does it hurt that much?" He asked, he was quite kind, but I didn't really know how deep it was, or that it hurt. I only felt my skin break open, that's why I assumed I was shot. 

"No- I was just confused, anyways, what happened? How did I get here?" Phil smiled. 

"Well, Wilbur was gonna come over to offer you some food and water for both you and Clementine, but instead he found you passed out on the ground with blood seeping out." I nodded. 

"I didn't pass out from the pain, so maybe it was the blood loss?" Phil smiled. 

"I think it might have been. You are pretty smart for a kid who had been in a forest for over 5 years or more." I looked at the bloody patch, and then looked back up at him. 

"The forest taught me many things, as well as birds and spiders, and many different species." I smiled and hoisted myself up, making sure to be careful of all the bandages. 

"From what it looks like, you either are really good at dodging, or they stopped attacking you, or you killed them." I laughed and smiled at him again. 

"They stopped attacking me when they saw my face. I have never had to deal with mobs before, they must have sensed that new people were here, and they weren't leaving." Phil nodded. He looked a bit surprised at my knowledge of something I never had to deal with before. 

"Then again, I am always asleep by sunset. So they didn't think I was who I was." Phil nodded again, seeming to agree with my complex situation. 

"Do you want to come down for some food? We got soup, crackers, and some toast." I nodded, Phil helped me up, as I was being careful not to damage myself even more, and helped me down to get some food. The cottage looked small from the outside, but it was enormous inside. 

"It is quite cool that we came across you though. I wasn't expecting you to actually come back and visit us, you don't enjoy company of people, do you?" I laughed. Techno had just asked a rather weird question. 

"No, of course I enjoy company of people, all people really do enjoy company, but it really depends on the person. If they aren't nice to me, and understand me, then I can't get along with them." I smiled, I was just gonna put it simply, they wouldn't understand if I went all out and told them everything.

"It is pretty difficult finding the right people, but eventually you'll come across them." Wilbur said, I understood what he meant, but the others seemed a bit confused. 

"What? I had found a shape-shifting fish, and had a baby with her! How does this sentence make less sense than that!" I laughed. 

"Was her name Sally? I think I may have known her." Wilbur looked astonished and smiled. 

"Yes her name was Sally, how do you know her?" Wilbur seemed eager to know more about her and I.

"She used to teach me a lot of stuff about how to live, cook, and farm. She was like a mother to me, so when she told me she found a human boy that she loved, she left me. I was okay with it of course, I was the one who told her to go and love that boy," I smiled and took a breath, "I am glad we got to meet after such a long time." I looked over at Wilbur who was smiling widely. 

"Can you tell me more about her? I only had known her for a couple years, when we got married and had Fundy, she died not too long after Fundy was born." I nodded. I told him everything I knew about Sally. She was like a mother to me. 


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