The sad truth.

847 41 2

Tw listed here!!: Underage drinking, drugs, underage smoking cigarettes, hints of abuse.

Tommyinnit POV

I walked downstairs, ignoring the smell of drugs and alcohol that was filling my lungs. I had drank a lot last night, and smoked a lot last night. I had a hangover, and was tired of it. I grabbed another bottle of beer out of the fridge and opened it. I closed the fridge and walked over to a chair, I drank the beer, slowly feeling myself getting intoxicated. I grabbed a cigarette and set the flame at the end of it. I felt the smoke slowly fill my lungs, and I blew it all out. I took another sip of beer, and felt myself start to get drunk. While I was still somewhat sober, I walked up the flight of stairs to my room. I smiled and thought of Wilbur. He was nice and I liked him. 

"Oo!" I walked into my room and turned my PC on. I pulled discord up, and took a drink of beer. I looked at all my pings. I went to Wilbur's first. I looked at the dm. 

'Tommy where are you, we have lore in less than a minute.' 1 minute ago. I panicked. Shit out of all the times I have lore this is the one time that it has to be. I texted Wilbur back. 

'Sory sometrhing cme pu.' I couldn't see what button was what, and I just laid back. Wilbur started calling me and I panicked. I turned my camera off, and answered the call. 

"Tommy- Turn your camera on, I need to know if you're alright." I smiled and laughed like a little kid. 

"Of course 'm lright!" Every word I said was slurred, I was obviously drunk, and Wilbur would be able to hear it, but I didn't care. 

"Tommy... Are you sure you're alright..?" He sounded like he knew, but didn't want to believe it. 

"Are ya live riht noe?" It was still slurred, but it was the best that I could speak at the time. 

"I'm muted on stream and my camera's off." I smiled. 

"'m todally drnk riht noe Wilba-" He froze, he had is camera on in discord. 

"Tommy. Put your camera on right now." I smiled and lazily put the camera on, the quality was shit, but you could see my drunk mind tried. 

"Tommy what the fuck?!" I smiled. 

"hehhe-" I grabbed the bottle of beer and shook it. 

"Aw fuc man!" The bottle was empty and so I decided I wanted another one. 

"I'll be bac when I have me another boddle-" He protested, but I still got another one. I came back to him looking pissed. 

"Why do ya look so upset?" I put my headphones on and heard Phil and Techno. I froze.

"Wilbur told us. We didn't believe it. Tommy why..?" I frowned at what Phil said. 

"Why you bitchin bout it lil piss babyyyyy!" I laughed. I was totally drunk. 

"Toms... How much did you have...?" Phil said. I thought about it. 

"Round- 2 I dunno!" I giggled, my laugh made me sound even more drunk. (Their laughs sound like hehe's) 

"Wha- 2?!" I laughed and nodded. I pulled my cigarette up. 

"And I got this," After showing my cigarette, I showed them my pipe that was for drugs, "And this!" I showed them and they all started crying. I laughed and left the call. I went over to my bed and fell asleep. 

----15 hours later

I had a huge headache, and picked up my phone. 

125 missed calls from Wilbur Soot.

184 missed calls from Technoblade

292 missed calls from Philza Minecraft

I recalled what happened, though only bits and pieces. I mentally slapped myself and got up. I called Wilbur. 

"Tommy!" His voice sounded raspy, and like he was crying. 

"What happened Wilbur?" My voice was clearly not slurred, and I was fully awake. 

"Oh thank god you haven't been drinking! Why were you off for so long?!" I looked over at the date and noticed what happened. 

"Oh my god I was asleep for 15 fucking hours?!" Wilbur sighed. 

"Please don't tell me I missed the lore!" Wilbur was hesitant, you could hear him about to speak, but he didn't say anything to me. 

"We had to move the dates, because you were gone..." I sighed and face palmed. 

"Fuck- I'm so sorry Wilbur." I leaned back into my bed. 

"Toms, its fine.. Please just stop your habits." So that wasn't a dream. God-dammit. I was hoping that it was a dream and that I just had slept through the whole thing. 

"Sorry about that Wil." Dammit. 

"No, don't be. Do you want help to stop your addictions?" I sighed knowing there was no way out of this. 

"Sure. Whatever." I sighed. I coughed from the stench that spread throughout the house. 

"First of all, get out of there and get some air freshener." I sighed and got up and grabbed my wallet. 

"Fuck- Where did I leave my cash-" I searched through the house, and finally found the 230 pounds I had made the other day. 

"There we go. Where do I go for air fresheners?" Wilbur thought about it. 

"Well, try going to Tesco's." I hummed a response and made my way to the door, I grabbed the keys to the house, and locked the door behind me. I walked to the nearest store, and found some air fresheners that were cheap. Wilbur recommended some nice scents that would contradict the smell of smoke and alcohol. I ran home and sprayed them around, and then placed them neatly around the house. I finally smelled the nice aroma of smells and found a better peace in it rather in the cold-hearted smoke that used to overtake the smell of the house.

"Wait- Are you home alone?!" I laughed a little. 

"That's right- I didn't tell anyone- Anyways, my parents died in a car crash due to them both being drunk. Explaining the amounts of alcohol I have." Wilbur froze in his place. 

"I'm sorry, what?! You're 16 and paying for the house?!" I hummed in response, fixing the old pictures and dusting them off. 

"It's rather nice living alone, they weren't the best parents anyways." Wilbur hummed a response and I heard shuffling from his end. I then heard a door and a car door, then driving. 

"Where are ya goin?" Wilbur sighed. 

"To you. You aren't living alone. Especially in this state." I sighed knowing he was already on his way and he wasn't changing his mind. 

"Right, okay." I cleaned the fridge out and saw how little food there was. 

"I need food. I'm gonna go buy food." Wilbur responded with a small okay. I walked back to the store and bought a lot of food. I placed everything in the fridge felt a smile surface. I cleaned the house up. It felt nice to do this. I knew I needed this. I just didn't want to do it. 

"Hmmm..." I was wondering what else I could fix up. Before I knew it, I heard knocking on my door. 

"Oh-" Wilbur hung up, and I went to the door. 

"Hey Toms- Oh wow- That's a lot better." I smiled and welcomed him in. He smiled at how all the alcohol was gone. He looked around and saw no contraband. I smiled. I had gotten rid of all of it. I could easily buy it again if I really wanted it. 

----5 months later of being clean of contraband. 

"ToMmY HeLp!!" I heard Wilbur call from the room I gave him in my house. He often drives back to his own house just for getting stuff. I smiled and got up. I grabbed my phone and placed it in my pocket. I went to his room and saw that he was falling off his bed. I laughed and watched as he fell. 

"ACK-" I wheezed. Wilbur had been keeping me company, and I appreciated it. I was finally clean of my past. 


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