Calculator Boy

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TommyInnit POV

I was sitting in class and was kind of bored. I opened up my calculator and took the back off of it. There was a piece of paper that was removable, so I took it off. After I took it off, I realized I could put a piece of paper behind it. I grabbed my notebook and tore off a small portion of the document. I wrote 'hello.' I didn't think anyone would see it, so I left a small piece of it hanging out of the side.

The next day when I went to see if someone wrote back, and they did! I took the paper off of the back and read the note. It read, 'hello, who are you?' I didn't want anyone to know it was me. So I replied with, 'not important, what math question do you have on your homework?' I might be able to find out who it is.

I came back the next day and saw that there was another note. We had a mini conversation going on. 'I have b+3c-4=, what about you?' I was confused. I saw that on my brother's homework the other night. So they might be in his class. I wrote on another small portion of the paper, 'I have 4-6c+8^2, thanks to my brothers, it's easy to do.'

This conversation went on awhile until a year later. I saw a note from the person saying, 'I'm graduating next year, so while we have the chance, tell me anything you want to get off your chest.' I thought about it. I mean, Phil never really pays any attention to me. It's always Technoblade this or Wilbur that! I decided that would be what I get off my chest.

'My dad never really pays attention to me, see, it's always about his other sons.' I left the note in the calculator and went on about my day. I didn't think about it too much. After all, they are in Techno's class, what could they do?

I opened the calculator today to a note a little different. 'Oh? I think you might get along with my brother Tommy on that topic. Phil never pays any attention to him.' I was shocked. The person I was talking to WAS my brother. He WAS Technoblade.

'oh wow, that's funny. I am friends with him.' I was nervous. I had no idea what to tell him, that I was his brother or that I was just a friend of mine. I decided with being friends with myself was the option. I put the note in the calculator and called it good.

When I came back the very next day, the note was, 'Oh, cool. If you see Tommy today, tell him I have to practice after school today, so I can't make it to his violin lessons. kinda upset I can't, but Phil wants me to be the best at PVP.'

I was not expecting that. Was he always open about this stuff? I didn't bother putting a note in there. All I left was an 'ok' message. I didn't have anything to say.

There was no note in the calculator today. Techno didn't come home last night. What happened to Techno, and where was he? I quickly asked if I could go to the bathroom. Once I got there, I pulled out my phone and texted Phil.

🗑️Dad 🗑️

Hey dad, do you know where
Techno is?

No, did he not come home last night?
I swear I heard the door open

Dad, that was me.

Oh, then he is still at practice I guess.

WHAT! If he trains for that long, that-
That means he got hurt!!

Wait, what?!

Yeah! I'm calling Techno right now.

That's what I did. I called Techno. Thankfully, he picked up.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"Changing room, I'm going to need your help. I hurt myself. I can't get up. I've been asleep to cease the pain a little." I gasped slightly at this.

"I'll be there in a second. But for now, I have to tell my teacher that I'm going." I put my phone in my pocket and went back to the classroom.

"Sir, I've to go. It's important." I started packing up my things. Then I heard my teacher say something.

"Someone must be badly hurt or in the hospital for you to leave." Without thinking, I said, "Ya, someone is badly hurt. I am the only one that can help him." I heard a slight gasp from everyone In the room and hurried off.

I made it there with all of the healing equipment I thought I was going to need. Once I made it to where Techno was, he was hurt. Very hurt.

"Techno! Oh my god!" I grabbed all of the stuff and helped him clean up his wrist was damaged from falling on the ground from time to time his right hand was then bruised and sore from holding a sword his leg was hurt, not as bad, but bad enough he couldn't stand.

After I helped him get healed a little, I picked him up bridal style and took him back home. Then I said something I regret.

"I was the boy in the calculator. I'd thought I would tell you right now rather than later so you couldn't chase me." I laughed. 

"Woooww I wouldn't have expected that. Tommy, I know your handwriting." oh.

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