Raised In The Forest (Pt.1)

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A/N This is where Tommy grows up in the forest, and then he gets adopted into a different world.

TommyInnit POV

I was only 5 before my parents dumped me into the forest. I got used to my surroundings. I learned to love the forest, know what it wants from me, and I even learned how to survive in the forest! I practically live in the forest now, it's like a home to me. Sometimes I do find the exit, and I wonder what it would be like to leave, but I never leave. It protected me for over 8 years now! I think I am around 13, but I have lost count. 

"I need to find a lake soon, or else my farm will run dry. But I am over 5 miles away from my original lake. Maybe I could find a house with a hose, and wash myself off, as well as get water for my farm.." I looked down at my torn up clothes, and bandaged body. 

"Maybe I could also find more clothes and bandages." I got used to talking to myself, since no one would ever be around me, near me, or even speak to me; I was just used to being alone. The forest was the only thing I could talk to, I have learned to know what animals want from me in here as well. I learned proper manners too!

"Alright, Clementine, stay here." Clementine was the fox that always stayed by my farm and protected it from people. They always eventually saw me coming and ran off. No one really liked me and thought I was a beast; a viscous creature come to life, but I was neither of those things. I was just a kid raised in the forest. 

I made my way down a path, I didn't make the path so I assumed someone lived nearby. The path had a lot of rocks and some yellow grass. The grass was short and barely touched my feet, maybe I would add a path to my farm. I soon found a small village, but it seemed empty, I looked up at the sky. It was dark and had a bunch of little lights twinkling, as well as a big round gray thing. I never knew the name of it, but I heard a bunch of people call it stars and a moon; I don't think they deserved to be called such things. 

"Hello, are you lost?" I looked at the person standing in front of me. They had unusual features. Long pink hair, a red cape; white fluff surrounding their neck, almost like rabbits fur, and a crown on their head. 

"I'm not. I'm just looking for some water for my farm and for my fox Clementine!" I curled my lips into a smile. I looked down and saw they had a sword, it was shiny and glittery just like the 'stars.' When I looked further down, he had black pants and black boots. I think this person likes gold and black. I looked back up and I could see his face better. He had pig ears, and pig tusks. 

"Are you half pig?" He nodded. He had golden glasses, they looked really cool.

"Cool! I have never met one before. I don't go to the nether because it hurts my feet." I looked down and saw my own bare feet, they were covered in dirt. 

"Do you need a pair of shoes?" He asked. I smiled. 

"Nope! They make my feet sweaty, so I don't prefer them." He smiled. 

"You look pretty rough. Do you want me to bandage you up and get you some new clothes?" I frowned. I wanted no help, though I appreciate his offer, I don't trust him, the forest tells me not to trust any hybrids. 

"No. I'm fine." I turned around and started walking back to my farm. I heard footsteps, yet they were really quiet. 

"Eh? Can you please stop following me?" I asked. I wanted to go back to the fox in peace. No one interrupting me. 

"You're that kid that they say roams this forest, I came looking for you, but I guess you found me first. You outta be lonely. I am just giving you company." I rolled my eyes and started walking again. 

"You know I would rather have my spot kept secret. Clementine hates people that the forest doesn't trust." I looked back to see the half pig-man looking confused. 

"The forest? What are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes and turned my whole body towards him. 

"The forest is a person too. It has feelings, I know you have cut down at least half of the trees here, thank you for replanting them, but they were over hundreds of years old." I turned around and walked away. He kept following me.

"Why are you following me? What do you want from me?" He looked a bit curious. 

"Why are you so curious?? I just grew up in the forest by myself, nothing more to it." I walked away from him. He couldn't get the idea, so I jumped up in the trees and started jumping my way through the trees. He still managed to keep up, just on the ground. 

"I'm curious because I haven't met anyone like you." He shouted towards me, and I rolled my eyes. This guy wasn't gonna leave me alone. He really was more annoying then the snakes around here. 

"You're acting like the snakes I have to take care of around here." I yelled at him, I kept jumping through trees and eventually made it back to my farm. I slid down the tree, and thanked it. 

"Wait- How long have you lived in the forest, by yourself that is-" I patted a spot on the dirt where there was a step, I wanted the guy to just sit down so maybe I could explain it to him and he would leave me alone. 

"Sit. I guess I have to explain it now." He nodded. This guy looked to be around... maybe eighteen? I'm not the best with ages but it will do. He sat down on the stair made of dirt mixed with rocks. 

"Well, I was kicked out of a house about 20 miles from here when I was around 5? I think I am 13 now. So if that explains anything, I have learned everything there is to know about nature. I dont like buildings and stores. They just chop trees down and make me hurt, I am supposed to stop them but they never listen they're just trees they have no feelings, when really they have a lot of feeli-" I took a breath and listened to my surroundings. I heard a tree fall 4 miles from here. 

"I'm sorry but someone is cutting my friends down." I quickly climbed the trees and hopped between trees, while the pig hybrid followed me to I where I heard the trees falling, I got there and 3 trees were fallen. 

"STOP!!!" I yelled, sliding down the tree. There were two people. One had brown hair, and looked around twenty-two and the other one looked around thirty. The one who looked around twenty-two had brown hair, wearing a yellow sweater; and was wearing black circle glasses. He was also wearing black pants. He also had a hat on. I think its called a beanie. The one who was thirty was wearing a green shirt; he had a bucket hat on, and a black jacket that went down to his knees, and dark gray pants. He looked a bit more simple then the beanie guy.

"What's wrong mate?" I slowed down, and caught my breath. The pink haired guy arrived behind me. He was sweating, and out of breath. 

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