Ender Boy

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A/n Hey guys, I haven't seen much of a Nether Enderman!Tommy Au around here lately, so I thought I should deliver. Tommy is a Nether Enderman, In this Au, while Regular endermen have purple eyes, the nether endermen have blue eyes.

Tommyinnit POV

I was in the Nether, I usually am, no one knows but I am a Nether Enderman. Ranboo doesn't even know. Well, only Tubbo knows. 

"⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜?" I looked around and saw nothing, the warped forest I was in was painted in blue. The bland cyan color scattered around the forest was nothing like my blue eyes full of life. They were a light blue and bright, unlike the cyan that the forest was given by who knows. 

"⊑⟒⊬!" An Enderman had said just said hey back to my comment. I smiled knowing there was another Nether Enderman nearby, I changed into my ender form, and walked over to the person. Instead of being met by another enderman, I was met with Ranboo looking up at me. 

"How are you Mr. Enderman?" I was slightly nervous to talk back,  but I knew I had to say something. 

"☌⍜⍜⎅." The way I pronounced it made it sound like a bit of broken endermen. 

"Did you say good? I didn't hear it properly." I nodded. Ranboo smiled.

"I'm Ranboo, what's your name?" I didn't want to make up a name so I came up with an excuse that I didn't have one. 

"⎅⍜⋏'⏁ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⍜⋏⟒." (Don't have one) Ranboo frowned at how I didn't have a name. 

"Your new name will be... Enderboo! Wait no I can't... uh how about... Bee?" I nodded. I didn't want to be rude to him. I could finally see why Tubbo liked him if I just didn't let him know that I was Tommy. 

"Alright, your name is Bee." Ranboo smiled. I just nodded. I didn't know what to say, there wasn't much I wanted to say. Ranboo went off on telling a bunch of stories, I pretended not to know English so he 'taught' me. I internally smiled at how much he cares for the endermen. 

"Alright, so you can understand it, but you can't speak it?" I nodded. He smiled. 

"This will be easy then! Alright, lets start by learning the alphabet." He taught me the alphabet despite the fact that I knew it. He taught me English in less than an hour. 

"Whoa, you're a really cool enderman. You learned that faster than the others." I smiled. 

"T-Than-k y-ou." It was hard to speak English in my enderman form, but I had to play it off. 

"No problem! Would you like to meet me here tomorrow? I've got to go back to Tubbo, he said it was urgent." I nodded. 

"A-All-rig-ht." He smiled. 

"You're getting the hang of it. Anyways, bye bye Bee!" I smiled and waved. 

"B-Bye Ra-Ranb-oo." He smiled and waved back. He ran off back to the portal, I soon went back into my normal form, and teleported into what had remained of my tent back in Logstedshire. I started walking back to my dirt shack before I saw Ranboo running. 

"What's the rush?" He smiled. 

"Tubbo said he needed to see us!" I smiled and ran with Ranboo. 

"Alright! Last one there is a rotten egg!" He gasped jokingly offensively. I made it to the portal before him, I had basically been using the strength that the endermen side of me provided. I was a lot stronger than what I put out there. I just didn't want to explain that. 

"Let's go." I nodded, Ranboo sighed as we walked in silence to where Tubbo had asked us to meet him. He wanted to meet near Skeppy and Bad's house. We got there sooner or later to a mad Tubbo. 

"What's wrong Tubs?" I said placing my hand lightly on his shoulder. He pushed my hand off. 

"Techno said Phil and him were gonna attack Snowchester. Whilst Michael is inside. I need you to help me, I don't know what we even did wrong!" I felt the anger boil up in me. This was just like when the Wither Skeletons tried attacking the forest to turn it into soul sand valley. I sighed. 

"I'll go get Michael." Ranboo said. I nodded. 

"I'll go talk to Techno, and I know were not on the greatest terms, but It'll buy time." Tubbo nodded. 

"I'll make the preparations. Supplies and armor. The basics." I nodded. I walked off and ran towards the nearest portal. I ran over towards Techno's portal, and walked in the purple haze. I saw the pure white snow appear before me and I walked towards Techno's base. Once I made it there, I felt myself gagging on fear. I knocked on the door anyways. I felt bad for betraying him, but I feel as if I made the right choice. 

"What are you doing here." I guess I was too busy into my thoughts to notice Techno had opened the door. 

"Listen- Technoblade, what are you planning to do with Snowchester." He sighed and crossed his arms. I felt the warmth of the house rush out into the cold air. 

"We plan to not to tell you anything." I frowned. I wasn't expecting him to tell me much, but that answer confirmed it. 

"So you plan to blow it up, whether there are people in there or not?" He looked slightly baffled by my reply. He rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah sure." I frowned. 

"But what about Ranboo's child, Michael!" Techno froze and looked at me in the eyes. 

"He has a child in there?" I nodded. He frowned. 

"It's your fault if you don't save him." Techno shrugged and was about to shut the door on me, but I held it open with my ender strength. 

"What the- PHIL COME HERE REAL QUICK!" He yelled for Phil. Techno by now was using his hole body to try and shut the door. Phil walked down and saw the scene. He started pushing against the door, so I used both hands. They got off the door and sighed. 

"Why won't you leave us alone? Have you come here to ask for help, steal, and then betray again?" I frowned and took my jacket off, it was hot for me, and maybe they were gonna figure it out. It didn't bother me though.

"Why are you taking your jacket off? Are you crazy?!" I shrugged. 

"I dunno. Ask Ghostbur." I said and pointed at the ghostly figure smiling at me from behind Techno and Phil. 

"Whatever." Phil rolled his eyes. 

"Let's take this outside so he can't steal anything." Techno nodded and led us to a spot in front of his house. 

"So tell me why you are here, the real reason." I smiled and nodded. I was only gonna tell the truth.

"Well, you see, I have a human heart, and I have morals, so I am trying to buy time so Ranboo and Tubbo can get Michael out of Snowchester." They seemed a bit shocked to see me saying the exact truth. 

"Tommy! We got him out of Snowches- Oh- hey uh Techno.." Ranboo seemed disappointed in Techno. 

"Hey Ranboo." He replied. I rolled my eyes. 

"I told them the truth and they don't believe I can tell the truth." Ranboo laughed. 

"Then if he can't trust you, tell him your darkest secret." I looked at Ranboo like he was crazy, he was by the way, but then I nodded. I held my breath for a second before deciding I was gonna do it. 

"Alright. You want to trust me? Here we go then." Ranboo smiled and watched. 

"⟟ ⌰⟟☍⟒ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋏⏃⋔⟒ ⊬⍜⎍ ☌⏃⎐⟒ ⋔⟒, ⏚⟒⟒." (I like the name you gave me, Bee.) Ranboo froze. I turned into my Ender form. 

"T-Tru-ss-t m-me now Bl-blade?" He froze at my appearance. I was much taller than him, with bright blue eyes that glowed brightly, making Phil cover his eyes. 

"Bee?" I smiled. 

"R-Ran-Ranboo!" I smiled and bent down so Ranboo could hug me. One thing about the Nether endermen is that they are taller than regular endermen, so I was towering over Ranboo like it was nothing. 

"Bee!" He hugged me, I picked him up and laughed. Endermen laughs were weird to others. Especially Nether endermen laughs. They were deep and sounded distorted. They always scared others, and it was hard to make Nether endermen laugh. Techno seemed weirded out by my laugh. I teleported Ranboo and I back into the same bland cyan forest where we met, in the same place. 

"I bought us a lot of time, go back to Tubbo." I said after I was back to being human. 

"Alright, Thank you by the way!" I smiled and nodded he ran off, and then I just became another one of the Endermen there. I rested my head on a nearby tree, and stared up at the blue fog. I then remembered that I wanted to protect them. I teleported into Tubbo's basement, and then became human, I came out, and walked over to where the Nukes were, hearing crafting going on in there. 

"Tub-" I saw Jack there. 

"Jack Manifold what are you doing in here." He tried to throw an ax at me, I caught it before it could. Jack seemed slightly shocked but froze. 

"Stealing a nuke? How weird." I smiled and took the Nuke, causing Jack to fall. 

"Please don't tell Tubbo!" I smiled and laughed. 

"I'm gonna tell Tubbo, he is my best friend. Of course I'm going to." I smirked and walked out with the nuke in my inventory. 

"Tubbo!" He smiled. 

"Hey Tommy!" I smiled, but then frowned recalling what had just happened. 

"Jack tried taking a Nuke." Tubbo froze. He knew that I wouldn't have known about the nukes unless I saw them for myself. 

"Did you get the Nuke?!" I smiled and pulled the Nuke out. Tubbo relaxing and sighed a sigh of relief. 

"Let's go back." I nodded. We walked over to Snowchester and saw Jack putting things where they were supposed to be, unlike where he had pulled everything out of. 

"H-Heyyy Tubbooo!" He froze what he was doing. I pulled the Nuke out and gave it to Tubbo. 

"Yeah, nice try Jack. Tommy told me." He frowned. 

"I told you, best friends tell each other everything." I said, I turned into my Ender form. 

"E-Even t-this." Tubbo smiled at me.

"You can speak English in your ender form now?!" I smiled and pointed at Ranboo. 

"H-he di-didn't kn-know it w-was me." I smiled. Ranboo laughed and Tubbo smiled at Ranboo and I. Jack seemed so disturbed. He wondered how long I had been like this. I could see it in his eyes. 

----Time skip to like when everyone knows.

"Tommy! It's about to rain!" I nodded and turned back into the human form that I had. I was originally a human, but I was tested on, so that happened to me in that period of time. I was helping decorate a festival to cheer on the survival of Snowchester. I had helped in making Snowchester not get blown up by stealing most of the resources they had made, and once they were in Snowchester, thats when they realized they were gone. It had took them 2 months to get those items. It started raining and I smiled. I felt the cold droplets fall of my face. 

I smiled and joked around for a bit before deciding something. 

"Anyone want to play competitive solitaire?" 

A/n Finished. I finished this in 2 hours. 1930 words.

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