You're going to do what?! (Pt.1)

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Tommyinnit gets adopted. Happy sbi bois.

Also Tw:
Mentions of Cutting
Mentions of abuse. 
Panic attacks
fluff (happy)

Phil - 30
Technoblade - 17 (Adopted)
Wilbur - 16 (Adopted)
Tommy - 13

Tommyinnit POV

I felt the cold air wash over my skin while I was looking outside. I hated the orphanage. It smelled like shit, and there were too many kids. Not to mention the fact that the caretaker was shit. 

"Tommy." I turned around to be face to face with the caretaker. 

"Get ready, some people are coming by today." I nodded. It was always the same, they never chose me because I was the problem child. I walked over to my closet and picked out an outfit that screamed me. I walked over to the bathroom and changed. I grabbed a book and headed down to the library. When I opened the door, the smell of books washed over me. It was a rather calming smell. 

"Came here to get another book?" The librarian asked. I shook my head no. 

"I just want a quiet place to read." I smiled. The librarian knew me pretty well. Her name was Mrs. Jen. She often let me come in here to read, or get another book. She wouldn't trust the others to even leave with a piece of paper. 

"Alright." I walked over to my favorite chair in the library and sat down. I read the title to make sure I grabbed the right book. 'The Art of War' It was a difficult book to read, but I liked the book. 

✨ Start of bullying ✨

"Hey kid. Whatcha readin there?!" It was one of the older kids. They weren't nice to me. 

"Leave me alone Jack." I rolled my eyes and continued reading. Jack picked my book up and threw it across the room. 

"Dude?! Why would you do that!" I walked over and grabbed my book. 

"Leave Tommy alone." The librarian said. I sighed. This wasn't new to me. 

"Fine!" The boy and his two other asses left. 

✨ End of bullying ✨

"I'm really sorry about him." I smiled. 

"It's quite alright." She smiled and I sat back down and read my book. I had gotten about halfway before the caretaker had come to get me. 

"Come on Tommy." I put my bookmark in the crack between the two pages and closed the book. I placed the book on the librarians desk. 

"Can you keep it until I come back?" The librarian nodded and smiled. I smiled back at her, as soon as I left I frowned. 

"Here is the last one. Found him in the library. He is kind of a book worm compared to the others." The caretaker who's name was Mrs. Jackie said to the people who came to adopt. 

"But beware, he's a trouble maker despite the fact hes a bookworm." I looked at the people who were here. One had long black hair, and hazel eyes. She was apparently the mother. Then the supposed husband had short brown hair and blue eyes. They didn't have any kids with them but they mentioned they had two other kids.

"It doesn't seem like hes much of a trouble maker, he's not making much noise right now." I hid my face in embarrassment. I didn't like it when people tried to compliment me. It always gave me false hope. 

"Wait until he gets comfortable." The couple sighed and said something before nodding at each other. 

"We'll take the 4 year old boy that we said we liked." Mrs. Jackie smiled and nodded, they walked out; leaving me in the room by myself. I sighed and slowly stood up and made my way back to the library. The librarian smiled, though it seemed sad. She handed me my book, and I went over to my chair. I sat down and opened the book to the page I had book-marked. I knew it was going to be the same. I never got chosen because of the way that caretaker describes me. I wonder if the older kids are still here because of that same reason...

"Hey kid. Pretty big book you got there. How old are ya?" I looked up and saw someone with a unique hair style. Long pink hair falling around him naturally, and black eyes with white pupils. 

"Oh uh.. I'm uh- 13.." The pink hair guy smiled and nodded. He had rounded gold glasses.

"What's your name?" I looked up at him and he was genuinely being kind. 

"uhm- Tommy..." I smiled at him. I was nervous. His deep monotone voice scared me a bit. 

"Alright. I'm Technoblade. You can call me Techno for short." He smiled. I smiled back at him. He walked out of the library. I supposed he went back with his family. He eventually came back with his dad I assumed and then the caretaker following behind him. 

"This is the kid I like. Look at the book he's reading." The dad had a white and light forest green bucket hat and a black shirt that had no sleeves but it was a turtle neck. He had blonde hair and deep blue eyes that were darker than mine. (Thats the reason for the drawing at the top, I drew it by the way.) He had wings attached to his back that were a deep smokey gray. 

"Oh wow. Hey kiddo." I smiled at him. My mind was telling me to run, but I knew I had to fight that urge. 

"H-hey." God-damn it stupid stutter. 

"Despite the fact that hes a bookworm, hes a huge trouble-maker. Just wait until he gets comfortable." I hadn't even realized it, but there was another guy with a beanie going over his brown curly hair. He had brown eyes. 

"Hey! I'm Wilbur!" I looked at the caretaker and then back at the brunette who was far too eager to see me. 

"I-I'm Tommy.." I smiled slightly. I hated how genuine they seemed. I put my bookmark on the page I was on and put the book beside me. 

"Let's take you guys to a room to get to know each other." Mrs. Jackie smiled. I hated how fake she was. I walked closer to Techno then I did to anyone else. He was hard to read, but I understood he also had something traumatic happen to him. The caretaker sat us down in the room I was just in 4 hours ago. How long was I reading that book for? 

Technoblade POV

Tommy looked slightly discomforted by the people in the room being older than him and probably a lot stronger. Well, not probably, are. He looks like he hasn't eaten in weeks. 

"Hey, Tommy right?" I said, the poor boy jumped slightly before nodding. 

"Y-yeah." For being the troublemaker, he was quiet and timid. He was also a bookworm, I could get to liking him. (PLATONIC BROTHER LOVE HOLY FUCK)

"What's your favorite book to read, like no matter how much you read it, you could never get tired of it. Mine is The Art of War." Tommy's eyes lit up and he smiled. 

"Mine too! I really like the parts where they do the fighting!" I smiled. He was literally going to kill me with how adorable he was. (Platonic. Istfg)

"I like those parts too. What's your favorite genera of books?" Tommy smiled widely.

"Action! And poetry.." He mumbled the last part. I smiled. I was gonna get attached and I knew it. 

"Alright, it's decided. You're now my favorite." I looked at him and his eyes screamed happiness. 

"Wh- That's not fair! You just met him!" Wilbur playfully fought. 

"Yea, but he likes action books, therefore, he's my favorite music boy." I laughed. Tommy smiled and laughed a little bit too which made Wilbur aw. 

"Okay, I've got to agree with you, he's now my favorite too." Phil laughed, then he smiled. 

"I like him too. Let's just wait for the caretaker to get back before I sign the papers so I know what kind of aw moments I'm getting myself into." Phil chuckled. Tommy smiled a little bit, he looked nervous. He's probably been in and out of the system for awhile now. 

"Don't worry, were not going to throw you out. In fact, we love chaos." Tommy smiled. He was such a bright kid. No matter how long he had been in the system, he manages to stay positive even the tiniest bit of hope could send this kid flying. 

Tommyinnit POV

I wasn't having it. I hated it. They were just gonna throw me out. No matter what Techno says, I knew what they really thought of me. I could see it in their eyes. They didn't want chaos. They wanted a kid who was nice and could take care of themselves and actually be helpful. 

"Have you decided?" Mrs. Jackie asked the three people here. 

"Yea, we would love to adopt him." I didn't let happiness take over my fear. I didn't want them to just abuse me and then throw me out again. The blonde signed a few papers. 

"Alright kiddo, you can call me Philza or Phil, this is Wilbur, and you've met Techno. He's the oldest and Wilbur is the middle child now." I smiled, yet I was nervous. 

"Can I help you pack?" Wilbur asked. He probably wanted to get to know me more, but I nodded. 

"Sure." He smiled and walked with me to my room. Techno followed behind us. 

"I'm just making sure Wilbur doesn't make you uncomfortable." Wilbur playfully punched Techno. I felt my breathe stop for a second. We made it to my room. My room had the least color and the least stuff. I went over to my closet and grabbed a bag that was placed beside it, and put all my clothes in. A pair of shoes, and fidget toys. I walked over to the bathroom and placed a small razor in, hiding it behind the toothpaste and toothbrush. I finished packing and threw the backpack over my shoulder. 

"Can you help me carry my books?" I asked them both. They both nodded and grabbed some of my books. I carried some of them as well. 

"Bye Mrs. Jen." I peaked my head into the Library and said that. She smiled and waved. She looked eager to see me finally getting adopted. I wasn't too eager though. I made my way outside with my two new siblings. Phil leading us to his car. We put everything into the back, and Techno hopped into the front seat while Wilbur and I were in the back. Wilbur talked about his music and the things he liked while I just nodded and replied to his questions. We made it to the house, and they led me to my room. 

"We weren't sure who we were gonna adopt, so we haven't decorated the room much." I nodded and smiled. I liked plain rooms. Though, there were LED lights up and around the room. The room was spacious and had a twin-size bed. There was a desk with two monitors and a PC. I smiled. They already had a pretty solid room for me. I quickly went over to the bookshelf and placed everything inside. Techno and Wilbur helped me place everything inside. 

"I'll take care of my clothes." They nodded and headed out. I placed everything in my closet, and then took my bathroom stuff into the bathroom connected to my room. I placed everything inside the small drawers and then placed my bag beside my bed. I smiled at the room I had. I laid down on the hard-wood floor and smiled. I didn't want to get attached, but they already had this much stuff for me. Phil walked into my room while I was spaced out. 

"Hey bud, wanna watch a movie? You get to pick if you come downstairs." I smiled and nodded my head. 

"Let me change into more comfy clothes." Phil nodded and smiled. He closed my door and went downstairs. I changed into a pair of shorts and a plain red hoodie. I made my way downstairs, they were all on the couch sitting and talking. 

"Hey." They smiled and turned their heads. 

"Hey Toms!" I liked the nickname Phil had just given to me, I smiled and went over to them. Techno grabbed me slightly and put me in between him and Wilbur. I smiled and got comfy. I chose the movie 'UP'. I fell asleep 40 minutes into the movie. 

Wilbur Soot POV

I felt a light weight on my shoulder and looked over to see Tommy asleep. I internally awed at the sight. He looked so peaceful. I placed my head on top of his head, and soon I fell asleep. 

Technoblade POV

I looked over to Tommy and Wilbur and I saw them asleep on each other. I smiled and laid back even more, and felt my eyes close, and I fell asleep. 

Philza Minecraft POV

I looked over to see my three boys asleep. I turned the movie off and let them sleep. I also soon fell asleep. They were the best boys I could have ever wanted. We knew how to pick each other it seemed. 

A/N 2201 words.

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