Sick Tommy

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A/n I don't expect me to keep up with the book all that much, but I will do my best to give you guys the best book you wanted/needed.

Tommyinnit POV

When I woke up, I felt terrible, I thought it was just morning sickness from waking up to early, but that opinion was quickly changed. I felt my head and I was burning. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. 

'dadza please come to my room.' I sighed and waited until I heard the door open. 

"Are you alright?" Phil asked as he came closer. 

"No, I feel terrible..." Phil sat down by my bed, and felt my forehead. 

"Holy shit!" I nodded and closed my eyes. Phil got up and got things while I lay in bed with a massive migraine, stomach ache, throat itching every time I breathe, and a sore throat. I coughed, and it felt very unpleasant. 

"Tommy are you alright?" Wilbur came into my room and peaked his head through the door. 

"Yea, I can manage.." My voice trailed off before I put my forearm over my eyes. Wilbur walked off and went to do whatever he was gonna do. 

"I'm back Toms." I opened my eyes slightly to see Phil with a wet rag and some medicine.

"Oh hello Philza Minecraft.." I coughed again. Phil's face looked sympathetic. 

"Here, I'm gonna put this cold rag over your forehead." I removed my forearm from over my eyes and let Phil do what he needed to do. I felt the cold cloth being placed on my head and I loved the feeling of the cold versus the hot. (Versus be sus 👀 Get it because versus has sus at the end?? No? Okay)

"Everyone's staying home today, were gonna watch movies and help you have fun while your stuck at home being sick." I smiled and nodded. Phil has always been such a great father figure, he was so kind. 

"Alright, you'll have to sit up to take the medicine." I nodded my head slightly, and sat up. Phil handed me some medicine. I took the medicine out of his hands and drank some water before swallowing the pill.

"I hope that helps even a little bit." Phil's voice was laced with concern and sympathy, I smiled and nodded. 

"Even you are a cure to agony Phil." Phil laughed and smiled. I always was going to be funny and hope to not bring others down. 

"Now let me get dressed old man." Phil gasped dramatically and left so I could change. First, I took the rag off, which upset me slightly, but I could just put it back on. Then, I changed into gray shorts and a black t-shirt. I was wearing white socks, and brushed my hair as well.

I went out to the living room and saw that they already had made some popcorn and got candy out. I went over to the sofa and stood behind it for a second. 

"You get to choose the movie." I nodded at Techno's comment and sat down on the sofa between Wil and Techno.

"What aboutt.... 'UP'!" They laughed and waited until Phil got back with the snacks before starting the movie. Phil smiled at the three of us and sat beside Techno, who was on the outer side of the sofa.

We watched the movie, Phil was on the brink of sleep, Wilbur was asleep, and Techno was fully awake watching me being interested in the movie, he thought it was quite amusing that I was interested in the movie, even after 51 times of watching it.

After the movie was finished, Phil was out, so was Wilbur, I was on the brink of sleep, and Techno was on his phone. He was scrolling through the fanart of his on Twitter, he appreciated every single one of the art pieces. I saw Techno put his phone down and lean his head back, closing his eyes in the process, and then falling asleep. I soon fell asleep too. 

A/n Sorry for how short it is, but its hard to get 1000 words when you are literally writing about someone getting sick, but y'know 🤷🏻 Anyways I'm gonna do this ----->🛌🏻 and not this ---->🤺🤹🏻🦹🏻🏄🏻 so I dont look like this when I wake up at 12 p.m ----->🧟🧛🏻

(^3^) ❤️✨
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