I'm... B1inD?

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A/N blindinnit maybe pt. 2? dunno if I will make a part two, but I hope you like this.

Tommyinnit POV

"Tommy, Put your stuff in the hole now." I dropped my stuff into the hole, I knew whatever I made would be lost to the hands of Dream. I went into Logstedshire and got soup from Mushroom Henry. 

"Tommy." I turned to Dream who was standing by a hole in the ground. 

"Yeah?" I looked over into the hole and saw my secret room I had forgotten about. 

"Oh, forgot about that. Blow it up if you want." Dream looked slightly shocked. He didn't think that I would be okay with it. So he thought of something else. 

"Alright, then stand close to the explosion." I knew I would go blind, but why else would I care? I stood by the tnt and it exploded. It caused me to pass out. 

"Tommy Oh my gods are you okay?!" It was Phil, I assumed it had been awhile since the explosion. 

"Hey Phil, what time is it?" Phil didn't know this but I couldn't see. 

"It's nine p.m." I nodded. 

"I've gone blind." I shrugged and closed my eyes, I didn't even know I had them open. Phil gasped and hugged me tighter. 

"Don't worry Phil, I'm sure Techno can do something, like help me practice my senses." Phil loosened a bit. 

"Alright, that sounds good." He picked me up, but I wanted to start my training. 

"Put me down. I'll just hold your hand." Phil put me down and I held onto his hand. He led me all the way to Techno. Phil knocked on the door. 

"Yes?" Techno was here now. 

"Tommy's... Gone blind.." Techno hesitated to say anything. I was worried he had left, but Phil was still standing here. 

"What. Who.. Who did it?" Techno seemed a little bit angry. 

"I'll tell you when you calm down." Techno picked my up, and brought me inside. 

"Training starts tomorrow so that you can protect yourself, despite still being blind, if you don't want people to know you're blind, then I guess this helps with that too." I nodded. I couldn't see Techno, but I could feel his angry energy radiating off of him, so therefore, I hugged him. 

"Techno, calm down." He froze, I felt him calm down and hug me back. 

"Alright, put two and two together, I was in exile and somehow I become blind." Techno paused and then got angry. 

"That green bastard will pay." I hugged Techno. 

'What did I say." He sighed. 

"Fine." I smiled and held my hand out. 

"Can you lead me to a room that has a bed? I'm rather sleepy." Techno grabbed my hand lightly and took me to a room. He picked me up and put me in the bed. I laid down. He wrapped the blanket over me. 

"Thank you.." I closed my eyes, and heard Techno walk out. I smiled knowing I was safe, and fell asleep. 

"Techno! You have caused so much damage! That is something you-" The rest of the words were blurry to me, but I got up, and walked over to the ladder, or where I thought it might be. I climbed up it, and made my way into the cold outside. 

"Techno, what's with all the yelling?" I frowned. 

"Tommy..?" I heard Tubbo's voice soften. 

"Before you get any ideas, Techno did not do this. It was Dream. That twisted fuck forced me into losing my eyesight." Tubbo gasped. I heard some shuffling. 

"Who's coming towards me." I looked at where I thought I heard the shuffling. 

"It's just me, Techno." I nodded. Techno walked over to me and hugged me. 

"Just because he's the bad gut doesn't mean that he's a bad person." I said. I melted into the hug, and hugged Techno back. 

"You should get inside though. It's cold out here." I smiled. 

"I can't see the door." Techno laughed. 

"Right. I'll be back." I nodded. Techno led me inside and set me down on a couch and wrapped a blanket over me. 

"Remember, don't open the door unless I say its me." I nodded and Techno left. 

Hours later

I heard a knock on the door. 

"It's me, Techno!" I smiled and opened the door. 

"You've got to hide Toms, they are looking for you because they think you are the traitor." I made a confused look. 

"But I'm blind?" Techno laughed. 

"They might be a little dumb not gonna lie-" We laughed. I asked Techno to bring me into a good hiding place, and so he did.

"Alright, stay here. I've got to get some stuff." I nodded. Techno walked off. The world was dark, and I didn't like it. I buried my face into my knees. I heard someone knocking on the door. I wasn't sure who it was, and I wasn't about to find out for myself. 

"Technoblade." It was Tubbo outside the door. I didn't move a single muscle. 

"Techno open the god-damn door!" It was Quackity now. 

"Technoblade." It was Fundy. I could hear one more person shuffling around. I didn't know who it might be though. 

"Technoblade, were open the door, or were breaking in." I froze, I couldn't let his door get broken down, but I couldn't see anyways. I heard the door knob twist and jiggle. Then I heard the door get broken down. I froze. I was scared. I didn't even know who was who, and I didn't even know if I was gonna get protected by whatever I was hiding in. 

"He doesn't seem to be home. We should just come back later." It was Ranboo.

"You're one to talk. You're probably on his side for all we know!" The tension was too high right now. I needed Techno.

"What are you doing in my house?" I heard feet shuffling. Techno had just come back. 

"Technoblade. We need Tommy right now." I froze even more hearing my own name. 

"What for?" Techno sounded mad. 

"We need him! L'manberg is falling apart!" I got angry. Techno opened whatever I was hiding in. He said I could come out. I grunted. 

"God- I hate that space. Never hide me in there again." I held onto Techno. 

"I'd be useless to you Tubs. I have no vision." I heard gasps. 

"Tommy, were working on that." Techno said. I laughed. 

"True that, true that." I smiled and held onto Techno. 

"I have no clue what my surroundings are-" I felt a hand on my shoulder coming from behind me. 

"Who's hand is that." They pulled away. 

"Just me." Ranboo replied. 

"Oh, alright then." I was guessing Ranboo put his hand back on my shoulder. 

"So why are you actually here." I asked. 

"I may be blind, but I'm not blind enough to see that there is another reason why you came." I heard a little bit of shuffling. 

"Well, we came here to get Technoblade." Fundy stated. I frowned. 

"You're not taking him." I stood in front of where I thought Techno was.

"Yes, we are." I felt some tension add. I put my hands up. 

"You're not fucking taking him." I felt anger burn up in me.

"Then come back with us." Tubbo stated. I felt anger churn inside me, making me want to start screaming at them, but I kept my cool. 

"I'm not going back to L'manberg with the person who exiled me. Do you know how many fucking times I had my house burnt down and stolen from??" I felt a hand loosen on my shoulder. 

"Tommy, that isn't an excuse." I smiled. 

"Neither is the exile you gave me." I heard Techno laugh. 

"And my anarchy in the past isn't an excuse to hunt me down!" I felt air rush around me, and then someone getting sliced. 

"Techno. Stop." I heard the slicing stop. 

"Just.. If you want to make yourself seem better, violence isn't an option." Techno sighed and held me close to him. 

"Fine." He huffed. I smiled. I hugged Techno, and I felt him slightly tense, but then giving into my hug. 

"Looks like the blade has gone all soft on me." Techno tensed up. 

"I will kick you out." I laughed. He melted back into the hug. 

"Why are you good at huggin-" I smiled and sighed. 

"I dunno. Guess I got it from the best of the best pvpers." Techno laughed. Techno let go of the hug after I did. I asked if he had any hot chocolate. He grabbed a cup and put hot chocolate in it. He told me he had decorated it with marshmallows. 

"Really? Those are the best kinds of hot chocolate!" I smiled and took a sip. The hot chocolate warmed my insides. 

"It tastes so good! Thank you Techno!" I smiled. 

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