Wait... I'm a WHAT (Pt.2)

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A/N GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS PLEASEEEE!! (I will not do ships, smut, or anything 18+ I am sad that I have to mention that about a fucking MINORRRR)

Tommyinnit POV

I was so beyond bored right now and seriously, why could Wilbur not be his insane version as of right now. 

"So, can we continue with the plan? I'm seriously bored here man." Wilbur's eyes turned back to his regular red ones and we went on our way to Pogtopia. I successfully hid my wings behind the cape Techno gave me. He also taught me how to hide my wings. They were smiling and laughing at the small things, and I was sitting over here being bored. Why couldn't we do anything fun? 

"I'm entirely way too bored. What day is it?" I frowned. I wanted to know so I could blow up L'manberg with Wilbur. 

"November 16th, why?" I smiled. 

"Perfect day to start a war, let's go!!" We all had Netherite armor and netherite enchanted tools at Pogtopia, and a healthy amount of food. I was running towards Pogtopia, the two chasing behind me. 

"Whoa Tommy! Slow down!" I smiled and laughed. 

"NO WAY!!!" I went faster and got into Pogtopia, and put everything on. We smiled and laughed as we slowly made our way into Manberg, and got to Jschlatt putting him in the dru- I mean hotdog van. Everyone came around him with full netherite. They were all frowning. I was smiling, but it was hard to tell. Then out of nowhere, he started dying of a heart attack. 

"Schlatt?" They all were slightly confused. I knew what was happening, so I did nothing. Once he finally died, I was secretly cheering. Wilbur and I crowned Tubbo with president and while they did that, Wilbur and I went to the button. 

"Well, I guess this is it." I smiled sadly. I did feel a little bit sad. 

"This is it for the both of us." I smiled at him, he smiled back. We wanted to blow the country up, but we knew that would lead to our deaths. 

"If someone were to kill us, who would you want it to be?" I thought about it, then smiled at Wilbur. 

"Phil." Wil nodded. 

"I don't want to be killed, I have the power of Gods, I can just destroy it while you get to live." Wilbur frowned. 

"Are you sure?" I smiled. 

"Of course, please live, for me." Wilbur nodded. We got to the button, and I flew up. Flying just felt natural even though I never flown before. I made it above everyone, and let my powers unleash. 

"Hello everybody." There was a black and white aura around me. Everything in Manberg was getting destroyed.

"TOMMY?!" I heard Tubbo yell, I nodded and smiled. 

"I am the God of Chaos and destruction! I was bored with this nation, and you shall be too!" I blew a big blast of tnt at the nation standing below me. They were all screaming and crying. Some were yelling my name, and some were shooting at me, yet whatever they did, didn't get to me, I was too far up. 

"And one last thing. GOODBYE L'MANBERG!" I threw one final tnt and then Wilbur pressed the button. The whole server cried in agony and some died, and re spawned. They looked at the destruction and just sobbed. 

"This is what happens when you don't know your allies." I smiled and glided down elegantly. Wilbur was in the button room with Phil, I went in there, and stopped Wil from dying. 

"No Wilbur." I smiled at him, and pulled him into a hug. He was shocked and went into the hug as well. 

"If were going down, were going down together." I flew out of the room quickly and went above the people, still holding Wilbur. 

"Hey Wil, I know this is a bad time, but, we need to help Techno, he is getting absolutely shit on." Wilbur nodded and I glided down, straight into battle with Techno. I fought with him, and protected him. I never knew I would be teaming with the blade. Now I knew, this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to cause problems and anarchy for the rest of the world. 

"Hey Tech, what are we gonna do after this?" He smiled. 

"Whatever you want to do." I smiled. After we had gotten rid of anyone with armor, we ran. We ran far, far away. We were now in a snow biome. I highly doubt that they wanted to be in a snow biome, but they proved me wrong by building a house. I didn't like the snow because it was cold but lovely. I wanted to live in a plains biome where is was hot and rude. I sat quietly while they built the house. It was rather nice. Honestly I would live in it if I wasn't craving violence all the time. The snow seemed to calm that urge. Maybe I would live in the snow biome... 

"Tommy, were done. You can go inside now. It's chilly out here." I smiled. 

"I think I might stay out a bit, it calms my feeling for causing chaos..." I looked at the snow falling from the sky. It was lovely out. Techno nodded and went inside. I laid down and looked into the sky. Soon enough, it was sunset. I went inside and went straight to my room. I laid down on the bed, and looked at the window placed in my room. I watched as the snow delicately covered my window. 

"Hey Tommy?" I heard Wilbur. He seemed rather, concerned? 

"Oh, hey Wil, what's up?" I turned to him. 

"You came in at 8, and it's clearly 12 a.m you need to sleep." I nodded. I watched Wilbur leave. I looked out the window one more time, and closed my eyes. I was having a rather weird dream. 

"Tommy!~" I heard someone call my name, the voice seemed... Familiar.. I couldn't quite put my finger on whom I had heard. 

"Hello.." I was a little on edge, but couldn't find the courage to not answer. Yet I was bored. What a rather weird dream. 

"You sound so bored! Why is that?" I could tell by the annoying questions that it was Dream. 

"Because, you're boring." I frowned, and looked around. It was complete blackness. 

"It's time to wake up, too bad our time was cut short!" I laughed. 

"Not too bad, just perfect." I woke up after I said that. 

"What..." I frowned, opening my eyes. 

"You have been asleep for a day and a half." I smiled. 

"You can thank Dream for that one, he kept me in that stupid dream for that long. I was rather grateful to wake up." Wilbur smiled and turned the lights on. 

"Come on. Techno has been worried." I frowned and got up. Wilbur left and I put on a pair of black jeans, and a long sleeve black shirt. I put on black socks, and white converse. I put on the cape Techno gave me, it was blue and had some fluff surrounding the neck of it in addition, it had a gold chain putting the two sides together. My blonde hair was fluffed up, and my blue eyes matching my cape. I put on a blue belt that I had found in the closet they gave me, and looked at my outfit. I looked cool! 

"'Sup." I said, I simply was far too tired for this. 

"G'afternoon sleepy head." I frowned at Wilbur's childish nickname. Techno smiled at our behavior. 

"Phil said he would be arriving with some clothes of Tommy's so that he didn't have to borrow ours." Wilbur stated. 

"Yeah, doesn't mean the raccoon won't stop wearing ours anyways." Wilbur and Techno laughed. I just sat there. I leaned my head against the wall, and closed my eyes. I couldn't help but want to know what Dream wanted to tell me, and why he took up so much of my dream time just to say hi. 

"So, raccoon, what did you dream about for a day and a half?" I frowned. 

"None of your concern." I opened my eyes, and faced towards Techno. 

"Why do you ask?" Techno was just confused on what Dream would have told me. 

"Well, because, he might have told us something valuable." I laughed. 

"All he said was hello, and that he ran out of time, and that I had to wake up. Is that really valuable?" I frowned and took a breath, "I already knew he could go into peoples Dream's and fuck them up. He had nothing to use against me since all my memories were boring to me. I never felt guilty or sad. I always felt bored," I took another breath, "Besides when I caused chaos. That was fun, and I enjoyed it. It made me feel something." I smiled at the old memories of destruction. 

"I guess that means that we have to get you to cause chaos with us so that you remember us." I smiled and laughed. 

"You're too hard to forget, don't worry Wilbur. Techno will be the hardest to forget. He is pretty good at pvp." I looked over at Wilbur, he was smiling; I looked over at Wilbur and he too was smiling. 

"If they start rebuilding L'manberg, I'd be bloody shocked." Wilbur said. 

"They probably will. They never give up on that damn nation." I rolled my eyes. 

"Well, that's true." I smiled. 

"We'll just have to blow it all up again." I laughed. They smiled at me. Finally I was on their side and not L'manbergs side. They were annoying always speaking about ways to improve the nation. Just blow it up! I was free to do whatever I wanted. I could blow anything up and the only thing that would happen was a few people losing their heads.

A/n if you want a part three, don't ask for it. Thank you :) 

I only do parts if I want to do them, or I already had them planned.

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