Runaway Prince

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A/N I am not sorry

TommyInnit POV

     I always have been the least favorite, Phil made it obvious. He often ignored me, fed me less than Wilbur and Techno. He also called me the weakest one with no talent. I could play the violin, and I could beat Wilbur.

    "Tommy, you need to eat, you barely get fed anyways." I frowned. I picked up my fork, I couldn't stop thinking. I had wings. No one knew. No one. Not even Wilbur. They were devil wings; I had horns too, as well as a tail. I hid them with my cape, while my horns were hidden by my hair. Devils are hated at the castle. You only grew them at 16, which was how old I was. 

    "Tommy quit playing with your food and eat it!" I nodded, I hated it when Wilbur yelled at me. 

    "Sorry, sorry." I threw out there. If anyone found out, I would be dead meat. I picked my fork back up and started eating. I was done before everyone else. They also had more food than I.

    "Now that you've finished, go to your room now!" Phil shouted. 

   "Yes sir." I walked quietly to my room. I sighed. I was planning to runaway from this hell. I made it to my room and packed. I would need extra clothes and capes. I would also need some money so I stuffed all the money I had into the bag. I didn't have a lot, not even near. I only had 15 pounds from my brother Wilbur. He had given it to me on my birthday.

   I quickly opened my window and jumped out, using my wings to glide. I started sprinting. No one should see anything. None of my features would be shown, It's too dark out. 

   "Hey you!" I took a brief look behind me. I kept running, they eventually ran out of breath.

   "Get that man!" I ran as fast as I could. From what I could tell, it was Phil behind me. I kept running until something tugged on my cape. It pulled my cape off, and even then, I kept running.

   "It's a devil! Shoot it!" Oh no. I pulled out a pen. I didn't have a weapon. 

   "Please listen to me, I won't hurt you unless you hurt me." Phil stopped and walked towards me slowly. 

   "You don't have to walk slowly, I'm friendly." Phil still walked slowly. I held out my hand into the light, the small bit of light that is shining through the trees hanging above us. 

   "I held my hand out, if you grab it, I know I can trust you, and you know you can trust me." He slowly approached my hand, grabbing it. 

  "Alright." He held onto my hand and I smiled. I knew that he didn't know who I was. I flattened my hair down and let my horns show through. My hair was dirty from all the running, yet I still didn't know if it was dark enough to show myself. 

  "So you are a devil." I backed away a bit, slightly loosening on my grip. I tried to pull away but Phil's grip was to strong. 
  "Yeah.. Uh anyways- Do you have a son named Tommy?" Phil's grip slightly loosened. 

  "Don't tell me he has been hanging out with you. If he did, he will get it!" I frowned. 

  "No, he hasn't. I just have been sneaking to his room. He is very good at the violin!" I smiled. I know he couldn't see my face, but it played in. 

  "Oh. I didn't know that he played violin." I frowned again. 

  "Well maybe you should have payed more attention to him!" I let go of Phil, and started running again. He quickly ran after me again. 

  "Show yourself in the light you demon!!" I ran through the forest, and found a spot with light. 

  "Fine." I frowned, he was behind me now. I stepped slightly into the slight, making sure it was easy enough to run on. 

  "Here I go then." I stepped into the light, my hair patted with dirt, worn down, and stuck to my head, scratches all over my body. My clothes were torn, and I looked nothing like my old self. 

  "Are you alright?!" I saw his foot step into the light and I slightly backed up. He was now in the light as well. 

  "Uh- I-" I was panicking now. I needed to find somewhere I could purchase a brown wig. 

  "I would love to talk more, but uh- I need to go!" I ran up a tree, somewhere I know he couldn't follow me, and ran, ran through the trees, ran on the ground. Anything to get away from him. I soon enough found a village that had a brown wig, the same color as mine, it was 5 pounds, but it was good enough. I washed my hair, and made holes for my horns. After I got the holes cut out, I put my horns through the holes and put the wig on. It looked real enough, 

  "Hey, do you need some food?" I heard a lady walk up behind me. 

  "Ah- Yeah, how much is it?" She looked at me and her eyes softened. 

  "Their free for you, dear. You look like you need it. I know you're a devil, and it's hard out there in the world, so please, take it for free." She smiled, her smile was warm and filled with kindness, I smiled knowing there was good people out there. 

  "Thank you, really, it means a lot." I watched as she pulled out a loaf of bread, and placed it in my hand. 

  "Thank you!" I smiled. She nodded. She walked off, and so did I. I got to the dark part of the forest, and put on a pair of spare shoes. They were torn up and old, but they would have to do. The ones I had on before were wet. 

  "I found you." I heard Phil behind me. 

  "E-Eh?!" I turned around quickly, my body facing towards Phil. 

  "I found you! I wanted to talk more, you are really nice." I smiled. 

  "I would love to talk, but I have to go ea-" 

  "Eat with the kingdom." I smiled slightly, it was fake but I still had smiled. 

  "Fine." He grabbed my hand and pulled me back through the village. 

  "Let him go!" The villagers protested. 

  "J-just do it-" He shook his head no and continued dragging me. It started to hurt. 

  "Please! It hurt-" He then slapped me. Everyone stood in shock. I felt the burning sensation on my face. 

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