Wait... I'm a WHAT?! (pt.1)

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A/N read on to know what the title means. ALSO WHEN I DON'T PUT WHAT POV IT IS, IT'S TOMMY'S POV!!

 TommyInnit POV

I have always felt bored my whole life, I only acted like I really ever felt anything besides boredom, I always wanted chaos. Therefore, I would act out, and do stupid shit. I knew I wasn't normal. I didn't feel at home ever. I wanted chaos. 

"Tommy, you spaced out.." I smiled. 

"Yeah sorry Tech." I was currently in Pogtopia. I wanted nothing more for Manberg to blow up, but I wanted to cause more chaos, so I acted as if Manberg meant everything to me. 

"What's going through your head? I can tell something is bothering you." I laughed. 

"Nothing, I am just thinking about how we could help Wilbur be sane again..." I smiled, I tried to smile sadly. Keyword TRIED. 

"What's really bothering you." I rolled my eyes. 

"I want chaos, I really do, I am with Wilbur yeah, but it's fun watching people actually worry about me. I always felt bored being nice and actually caring for things." I frowned, remembering how nothing ever appealed to me. 

"So you were always bored, and that's why you can never be serious?" I nodded. I was still straight-faced. 

"This conversation is boring. Can we go do something fun?" Techno sighed.

"What can appease someone like you?" I smiled. 

"Burning a village. Watching it go up in flames and see just what people do." Techno looked at me, kind of shocked at my reply. 

"What? I'm just being honest." He sighed and put down his book. He grabbed his boots; which were placed neatly beside his chair. 

"Let's go then, let me get ready though." I smiled. 

"I'll wait." I went around Pogtopia for a bit, I can't imagine what it would look like if Wilbur hadn't gone insane. 

"Too many buttons." I removed a few of them. I wasn't gonna let Wilbur go insane anymore. He still had to be by my side to cause chaos with me. 

"Tommy, let's go."  Techno put his hand on my shoulder, which I quickly removed. 

"Let's go." I walked beside Techno and told him about a village I saw nearby. Told him everything about it, but he declined and instead told me about a different village. 

"Why go to a different village?" Techno just stopped and sighed. He rolled his eyes and then continued to walk. 

"Because I grew up there." I rolled my eyes. 

"So many people could use that as leverage you dumbass. Don't state that so bluntly, write it down in light pencil and it to me next time." Techno laughed. 

"I guess that was pretty dumb." I smiled. He made me feel at least a bit of happiness. I felt a pain in my back, but I didn't pay any mind to it, at most, it could be an arrow. 

"Fine, I don't want any leverage over me. Let's go burn it." I nodded. 

"You sure?"  He smiled at me. 

"Yeah." I nodded. I was still frowning at this point. I didn't really have to smile around him anymore. 

"Usually that would send you flying. I guess you weren't lying." I shook my head, I wasn't in the mood to speak, but I know I have to say something. 

"Not everything I say is a lie." He looked at me confused. 

"What do you mean by that?" I looked at him. 

"Well, it's exactly how it sounds. I just don't tell lies all the time. Everyone always thinks I'm joking, I am really good a pvp, I just don't try hard enough." I frowned. He was making me speak. I kept silent for the rest of the walk. Nothing really made me feel any interest. 

"Were here." I frowned even more. 

"I know that dipshit." He went by a tree. 

"I'll be here, do whatever." I rolled my eyes, and pulled out some gasoline. 

"Do you-" 

"Shut up Techno," I frowned, "Of course I have it on me all the time, idiot." He looked a bit distraught by my new attitude. 

"Okay the-" 

"I said shut up." I rolled my eyes as I was about to pour some gasoline on the last house, someone came outside, I quickly poured it, and threw the buildings on fire. I smiled and watched as people panicked and came out. Techno pretended to be the hero, but he knew where the fire was going, and he practically killed them by throwing them off the edge. 

"That took you long enough. You don't need to play the hero role." He and I rolled our eyes. 

"Yeah and you don't have to play the chaotic child role." I rolled my eyes. 

"And you don't have to play the sad story anarchist role." I smiled. He rolled his eyes. 

"You aren't saying anything because you know I'm right." I laughed and smiled as I watched him walk away. He looked pissed to be honest; I couldn't care less.

"Well, you do you, I am gonna go find Wilbur." I stated and walked off. Techno followed behind me. 

"I'm bored." I just ignored him. He didn't have anything really interesting to talk about since I knew it all. 

"Whatever." The pain in my back grew larger, yet I still ignored it. 

"Are you okay? You look like you're in a bit of pain." I looked back at him, he was genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine. Just my back. Been standin' too long hearing about your bs." Techno looked at me slightly offended. Then suddenly the pain grew so large, I wanted to scream, it felt like something was ripping my back open. So I did just that, I screamed. I cried. 

"TECHNO H-hELP!!" I screamed in agony and Techno ripped of my shirt to see a pair of black mixed with white wings growing out of my back, ripping my skin. 

"Holy shit. You're the god of chaos and destruction." I looked at him, the wings still growing and the pain still growing with them. I screamed and screamed nearby villagers came with Wilbur. 

"Wait... I'm a WHAT?!" I screamed out, Wilbur came running towards me, his eyes now a beautiful chocolate brown, he was my Wilbur again. 

"Tommy are you okay?!" I sniffed as the pain slowly subsided. I told Wilbur I was tired, but I was okay otherwise. Wilbur held me in his arms as I fell asleep. I needed it. I wanted it. I soon woke up to someone shaking me awake.

"Techno wouldn't tell me anything, and right now he's gone out for something," he took a breath and continued, "Sooo, could you tell me?" He sighed briefly at the end.

"Sure." I smiled. I told him everything. He was shocked for most of it. Except I hadn't told him I was the God of chaos and destruction yet.

"There is just one last thing.. I am the God of chaos and destruction..." I scratched the back of my neck.

"What the fuck?! You're the what?!" He looked amazed by it. He was honestly amazed.

"Yeah-" I was bored, and I tried to make it obvious, but he wouldn't take the hint.

A/n part two will come out later.

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