Of Course We'll Help You!

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A/n Trans Tommy AU ftm, thank @ki11a11e4rdrums for the idea.

Tommyinnit (Tori innit) POV

I sat laying on my bed, waiting for the regular alarm sound to sound. I didn't often sleep because of some of the body dysphoria that I wished I hadn't had. My parent's were transphobic, and I knew damn well that I couldn't tell them shit. My voice was lower than all the other girls that everyone always compared me to. I heard the alarm sound, and I quickly shut it off. I slid the plain blue sheets off and kicked my legs over the side of the bed. I grabbed my phone and looked down at it. I saw a few discord notifications and a few tweets for things I didn't care about. While still fresh out of bed with no sleep, I groggily made my way to my closet. I grabbed the only black hoodie that I had and a pair of sweats. I made my way to the bathroom, and locked the door. I changed and swore that I wouldn't look in the mirror for my own sake. But I had to brush my hair so I broke my own promise. 

"Ugh." I said in disgust of my own body. I hated the way it was formed. I wanted to just have a males figure. I grabbed my brush and brushed through my bed head. My hair was down to below my chest. I hated how long it was, but I knew I couldn't change it. I sighed and placed my brush down in the place it was before. I grabbed deodorant and put some on. I brushed my teeth and made my way back to my room. I checked the time and it was 7:23 a.m. I knew Wilbur, Techno, and Phil weren't going to be up, so I didn't bother texting them. I walked back over to my closet and opened it. I needed a pair of socks and shoes if I was gonna go on a run. I grabbed a pair of black socks and red converse. I put them on, and ran downstairs. 

"Where are you going Tori." I cringed at my dead name, I preferred Tommy.

"Just on a morning walk. May I go?" She smiled and nodded. 

"Alright dear, stay safe." I smiled. She was kind, she didn't know how I actually felt. 

"Right, love ya mom. Bye." I said she smiled and waved, I waved back and walked out. I closed the door behind me, I had subconsciously brought my phone with me. I looked at the time and decided I had enough time to walk to the bridge and walk back. I started on my walk, passing by Wilbur and Phil's house. Last but not least, Techno's house, I saw a light flicker on in the kitchen window. I was about to walk past his kitchen window, before he knocked on the window. He made the sign to stop. I stood where I was and looked at my phone for a bit before he reached his door and opened it. 

"Come in, I highly doubt you've had breakfast." I laughed and nodded. I suddenly felt a pit in my stomach, I knew I needed to tell him first. He cared for me, and I knew he wasn't transphobic, hell, I saw him at the local barber shop standing up for a girl who said she wanted the Levi cut. The barber was homophobic, and said all girls need long hair. Techno had been working there at the time, and he still is, but he instead cut the girls hair, cutting and snipping it perfectly where the picture had it. I was now inside sipping at the fresh coffee. He placed a plate in front of me that was decorated with eggs, pancakes, and bacon. 

"Want syrup?" I scratched my neck. 

"If you don't mind." He smiled and grabbed the syrup, he gave it to me. I smiled and took the syrup, pouring it over my perfectly cooked pancake. Techno didn't often cook, when he did, it looked like a professional had done it. He had mentioned to me his last job was a Starbucks, and previously before that, a Domino's. He was practically good with all types of cooking. He could probably make anything from scratch. I smiled and finished my plate of food, I finished before Techno. Once he finished, we talked a bit. I finally mustered up the courage to tell him. 

"Hey Tech, you support LGBTQIA right?" He nodded, he smiled as well. 

"Of course." I smiled, still nervous, feeling the anxiety rush up through my veins. 

"Well uh- I- I don't feel- I- Uhm- I think I'm trans-" He smiled softly and walked over to me. He hugged me. I started feeling the tears start falling from my face. I hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. 

"I'll tell Wilbur and Phil. What name do you prefer?" I smiled at the respect he had. 

"Tommy, he/him pronouns." I smiled widely, still crying. He let go of the hug, and so did I. He smiled softly again at me, and pulled his phone out. I got a ping on my phone, and I checked it. 

"You've been added to the groupchat, 'The Boys'" I smiled and started feeling more tears well up in my eyes. I knew Techno was the perfect person to tell. 


Tori? Techno? What's going on?

It's Tommy, Tommy is trans. 

Oh! Welcome to the boy's, though
you've always been apart of the boys. 

Thank you Phil 

No problem mate, one second
while I change your contact name


Whats with all the noise.

I'm trans Wil.

oooH! I have a little brother now

I felt myself laugh hard at Wilbur's reply. Techno chuckled too. I saw Techno walk away, and then come back with a pair of scissors and a trashcan.

"Wanna get a haircut?" I smiled. Techno was the best person ever. I couldn't imagine even getting this far without him. He faced me towards the wall, and had me lean back on the kitchen chair, feeling my hair go over the back of the chair. I heard snipping, and then an electric razor. He smiled, proud of his work. I looked in the mirror and cried. I ran over and hugged Techno. 

"Want me to come home with you to grab your stuff so you can get out of that household?" I nodded and let go of Techno. He walked back with me to my house. 

"Where were yo-" My mom tried to finish that sentence but failed when she saw my hair. Then she saw Techno right behind me. 

"Dave what have you done to my baby girls hair!!" Techno frowned behind me. 

"Girl? Who? Don't know a girl. Besides you." I smiled at Techno's sentence. 

"But that's a girl right next to you!" Techno pretended to look confused when he looked at me, and looked back at my mom. 

"All I see is a man, sorry ma'am, you must be thinkin' of someone else." Techno shrugged at me. I smiled at Techno and held onto his arm, looking for anything to hold onto to remind me this was real. While my mother protested that I was a girl, Techno just simply walked up the stairs to my room with me to pack my stuff up. He grabbed all my shit, and put it in trash bags and regular bags that I had around my room. He had gotten everything and walked me out of the house, ignoring my mothers protesting. He walked back with me to his house. 

"I'm sorry that you had to hear that Tommy." I smiled. 

"It's quite alright." He smiled back at me. I turned towards the pavement in front of me, and continued walking until we were at his house. He went to a random room with all of my stuff and told me to not come in until he was ready for me to. I sat at the table scrolling through twitter.

"Alright. You can go look now." I smiled and stood up. He put his hands over my eyes and led me to my new room. He put his hands down and let me look at my new room. I gasped, it was amazing. 

"Thank you so much Techno! Its amazing!" He smiled and put his arms around me. He leaned slightly on me. I smiled. 

"Why thank you." I laughed. He soon let go, and I walked over to my bed. He had walked out, and I plopped onto my bed, and got under the sheets. 

---3 days later (oOOOoH)

Techno knocked on the door. 

"A package for Tommy." I laughed and opened the door. I grabbed the package and smiled. 

"Make a spot for me, I gotta see what it is too!" I smiled and laughed and walked over to the bed. I said down on it, and patted a spot next to me. Techno smiled and sat down next to me. Techno handed me a pair of scissors and I opened the package. 

"From the Sbi?" I looked at him confused, but continued. I saw the present. At first I thought it was a bra, but then I looked closer and saw that it was a binder. I froze. I felt my heart drop. I started crying. Techno smiled and made circles on my back with his hand. I grabbed the binder and ran to the bathroom. I put it on and smiled. I felt at peace with it on. I walked back over and continued to open the things they got me. Next thing I saw was a note. 

"For you From the Sbi." I was eager to open it. As soon as I opened the card, and envelope fell out. I grabbed the envelope and opened it. There was a small card. 

"Have fun with saving up for surgery?" Then it hit me. Tops surgery. I looked at the money. It was almost the exact amount for what I needed, only 600 pounds more. I cried. Techno comforted me. I cried into his shirt as he hugged me. I was so happy. I sat there and cried. I soon fell asleep in his arms. 

A/n this is also shit, but it is 12:52 a.m ANYWAYS I HOPED YOU LIKE IT 

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