The Tower PT. 3

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TW: This chapter deals with some thoughts of possible death, along with killing.

After dinner, the family leaves the room to go to bed.

"Well, that was a particularly unsatisfying meal." 

"We should be honored that those with so little would wish to  share with us."  

"Teyla's right McKay! You should be more grateful, and less of an ass." 

"No, I'm honored. I'm honored and hungry. Seriously, we should be feeding them. We've got better food in our emergency rations." 

"I'm not sure that they would accept it. They are a proud people." 

"Not so proud that they'll stand up for themselves." Ronon quips.

"That could change."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute. We need to be careful, right? We have no idea who's watching remember? And we are supposed to keeping a low profile, not starting a revolution." 

"Rod! This is important, these people are living in an oppressive society, they should rise." 

"It is a society that has not been culled by the Wraith in a long time. That much we know for sure." 

We all stare at him for a while, exchanging glances but we all settle down as Rodney begins to search for the emergency rations. 

"Alright, I'm going to go sleep." I yawn. "It's been a long day, and I need to figure a way to help these people and it isn't gonna happen if I'm exhausted."

"I'll come with you." 

"Sounds good. Night Teyla. Night Rod." 

As we walk to the Jumper in silence, the little village almost looks peaceful, like it has no problems, but it isn't true, there's a sinister plot, a cruelness beneath it all, the moon's beauty only shadows the ugly truth the sun reveals in the morning.

"You're thinking too much." 


"Stop worrying, we'll figure it out."

"It's kind of my job to worry about these types of things."

The Satedan looks at me with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?" 

"You know that I'm not from earth, and although I was young it took a lot of work to get me to trust anyone, even though they rescued me. So, when I came to Atlantis, I knew that it could be possible that there would be people here who would have a hard time trusting, and I knew I could help with that, because I was like that before. We don't exactly have the best track record, but I would like to think that I've helped a bit." 

"So you want to gain their trust, and then help them stand up?" 

"Pretty much. But, I don't know if I can do that, or if I can expect them to stand up and fight if they feel trapped." 

"It's gonna be fine. You'll figure out, you always do."

Ronon gives me a half-smile after that statement, It a rare expression and normally accompanied by laughter or some sort of joke, but he's completely serious, and it blows me away for a moment. Never, in my life had I wanted to throw myself into someone's arms so badly. Although, I've been praised, and told I'm smart by people before none have made such an impact. Ronon isn't one to mince words or to say something he doesn't mean, so from him, this compliment is sincere. 

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