No Man's Land (Allies PT.2)

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After the horrible revelation, the Wraith left us alone. Ronon and I are clearly working on trying to get out but McKay is dealing with the crisis very differently... by being himself. 

"They couldn't have. Even if they somehow deduced the location of Earth, they still wouldn't be able to get there, not unless they... they downloaded something along with the hive ship plans, something like spyware. It's like when I stupidly downloaded por... music. When I downloaded music." He corrects his slip. "I asked them to do it. I did this. I'm responsible for the destruction of my own planet."

"If anybody was going to do it, it'd be you." Ronon tries to comfort, or I think he tries to comfort him.

"Thank you, thank you so much for that!" 

"Rodney, calm down. I need you to take a breath and focus or more accurately help us focus." 

"Focus on what? What is there to focus on? I'm stuck in a cocoon."

"Getting out of here." We both say together, making me chuckle. 

"Oh right, of course. Now, why didn't I think of that? Of course. Here goes. Um nope. Still can't move. I'm pretty sure they're struggle-proof you two."

A little while passes and we are still stuck and struggling, and McKay is still ranting. 

"You know, these things are actually quite comfortable. Surprisingly warm, take all the pressure off the spine... I suppose they're as good a place as any to witness the end of humanity as we know it." 

"You're wasting your energy talking." 

"You could be thinking up some amazing life-saving plan to save us if you're going to talk. You know help us out." 

"Okay, let's say a magic fairy comes down and grants you one wish, and we break out? Then what, huh? We're still on a hive, we're still traveling through hyperspace, probably in the massive void between our two galaxies... where there aren't even planets, let alone Stargates. What then, huh? Do we fly home on the wings of imagination? Is that what we do, Ronon? Ali?"

"You can sit here and die if you like, but I'm not giving up." 

"Oh, fine. I will."


"Oh my god! If it wasn't for being stuck in this thing I would smack both of you. I am tired of being between people fighting. I am not a diplomat."

"Yes, you are." They both answer at the same time. 

"Whatever." I pout. 


It's been hours and Ronon and I are still struggling but I can't reach my knife since it's at the inside of my thigh.

"I wonder what they'll do to us. Feed on us, probably. I mean, that's what they do." 

"It's not going to come to that."

"Positive thoughts Rodney."

"Maybe. Earth'll probably mount some kind of defense, in which case, I imagine death would be instantaneous. Unless we're trapped on deck with a fire or something. Then we'd be burned alive. Well, burned alive or suffocate. I wonder which would be worse, being life-sucked by the wraith or burned alive. I honestly couldn't consider two worse options." 

"Stop talking." Ronon orders.

"Okay, you know what? Make me." 

That's when Ronon starts cutting at the webbing and I breathe a sigh of relief. 

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