"Getting To Know You

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CHAPTER ONE – Allison POV – Episode 2:04

After everything that's happened with McKay, and Cadman's body being switched, I decided it's time for me to eat, but as soon as I'm about to sit down at a table, John grabs my arm, leading me in some direction.

"John! What the actual hell?" I ask trying to keep my voice down.

"Sorry, but I was hoping you could come with me to talk to Ronon. I think he likes you better than most of the people here." The dark-haired man responds.

"Fine, we're already almost to his table anyways." I grumble out, tugging my arm from his, so the former runner doesn't feel like I was forced to be near him. In all honesty, I didn't mind him one bit, he reminds me of myself when I was in his shoes, and it helps that he is a very handsome and muscled man.

Just when I finish my thought we reach the table, accommodating only the one man, until Sheppard and I sit down across from him.

"Not bad huh?" John starts first, referring to the food Ronon is eating, with his fingers.

"It's fine." He answers shortly.

"What do you think of Atlantis?" I ask, hoping to get more out of this man of few words.

"It's fine." He repeats.

"Have you thought about what you want to do after you're done here?" Sheppard asks.

"Do you want me to leave?" Ronon asks.

"No, no. Stay as long as you like. I'm just saying you know you're way around, you can take care of yourself in a fight, and you probably hate the wraith as much as we do." John says, but gets a pointed look from both Ronon and me about that last part.

"More than we do, and you need a place to stay." John tells the Satedan 

"I'm not sure I fit in here." Ronon says, after glancing at his "guard".

"There's only one way to find out." I quip.

"Do I have to decide now, or can I finish eating?" He asks now that he is sure the conversation's over.

"Take your time. And... try these. They work great." Sheppard says to Ronon, while giving him a knife and a fork as the colonel walks away.

As John walks away, I continue to eat, and Ronon finally looks up at me, probably expecting me to leave.

"If you're wondering; I am not leaving, I am going to sit here and enjoy my lunch, while I can." I tell him.

"Fine." He responds, and turns back to eating.

After a while of us eating in silence, I can see that his guard, O'Reilly, has something on his mind.

"O'Reilly? What is it?"

"Nothing Ma'am." He rushes out. At this point even Ronon stops eating.

"Dan, I know you. What's up?" I press on.

"Just have to use the bathroom, but I can hold it." He mumbles out, causing Ronon to have a slight smirk.

"Go, I can watch him." I encourage.


"I said go to the bathroom Lieutenant. That's an order."

"Yes Ma'am." He says, saluting me, and walks away.

"Hmm." I hear Ronon go.

"What?" I ask genuinely intrigued, by his sort of comment.

"They respect you." He says.

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