Condemned Part 1.

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After me and Ronon's target practice, I have been taking him to the gym everyday, so he can get enough exercise for the day. For the most part it's going well, he hasn't opened up a lot but I can see we are gaining more respect got each other. 

"So, what do you want to do now? Do you want to spar?" I ask him, hopin he will say yes.


"Why not? And don't give me any bullshit."

"I don't want to hurt you." He simply answers.

"Ronon, you said it yourself, I am a good fighter."

"Yes, but I am stronger, and most likely have more experience than you do." 

"Maybe in years, but trust me, I didn't train with these men. I trained with people far better. So, let's spar, let me show you what I can do."





"I said no." 

"Fine, one of these days you are going to regret that."

"I doubt that."

At that I start grabbing my things so I can walk him back to his room. Once we reach his door I have to ask him.

"I thought you said that you could see that even the Wraith were scared of me."

"It's true, but you also had a weapon to aid you. Hand to Hand, or even sticks is hard."

"I know that, I was raised to be a warrior, and not just any warrior but the best. Of course, the way they did was terrible but I am what they trained me to be."

When I see that he looks at me, sort of confused. "I thought that you were raised in the military of earth. They abused you?"

"No. I was raised somewhere else, a team from another Stargate team saved me."

"Where were you raised?" He asks putting down his gear in his room.

"Another planet."

"What was it like there?"

"For me it was terrible. I don't know what it was like to the outside world, I never was a part of that."

"Why was it terrible?"

"I don't want to talk about that."


"I'll see you later Ronon." 

"Yes." He says 

At that I walk out of his room and into the hallway. 


We go through the gate with the Puddle Jumper. 

"Look familiar?" McKay asks the two locals in the back.


"Me neither. I do not believe I have been to this planet before."

"Looks like there is no sign of settlement." McKay states.

"Other than that smoke from a campfire?" Ronon says with a smirk. 

"Yes other than that." McKay corrects.

"I'll land a few hundred yards from there." John informs us.

When we land it seems like the people all got up and left. There is food and clothes hanging around.

"It's primitive, definitely primitive. Not even worth contacting. What is that smell?" McKay tells us, obviously wanting to get off the planet and back to his lab.

"It looks like they left in a hurry." Teyla tells us.

"That's what I was thinking." I say, then I along with John call out, hoping someone will answer.

All the sudden I hear McKay asking someone what they are doing. I turn around just in time to see Ronon put a spoon full of food in his mouth.

"You want some?" The runner asks looking between me and Rodney.


"Sure." I say grabbing the spoon from his hands, briefly touching his warm fingers. I take a bite and may I say that the food was delicious. 

"Thanks Ronon." I say, getting up and ignoring Rodney's complaints. 

After a minute I hear the sound of the sound of arrows wooshing. 

"Get down, arrows!" I yell. 

Soon we are all down, and I notice Ronon is hit in the leg.

"You know that this isn't the way to make friends." John yells out, causing the onslaught of arrows and other projectiles to stop.

"I'll get up first." I state, slowly standing.

Soon everyone gets up, and starts walking, but that's when someone shouts "Fire!" And the arrows are flying once again. One grazes my face, but it does not feel like anything until there is a that flies by, and shoots something at our attackers, giving us enough time to get to the Jumper. 

"Everyone in one piece?" Sheppard asks.

"Yeah, thanks to that ship." Ronon replies sitting down.

Once he says this, I go to take a look at the arrow he got.

"Stay still, and do not tell me you're fine." I tell him, as I begin to clean the wound, knowing he would try and get out of being healed. At first, he is silent, but then I notice he is looking at me. 

"You have a cut on your face." 

"It's just a scratch."

"It's bleeding." He says.

"Nothing new, you got shot with an arrow you get sewn up first."

"Fine." He answers clearly frustrated. 

"I'll let you clean it after. How about that?" I ask hoping to cheer him up.

"Fine." He answers. I make quick work of cleaning his leg, but before I can dress it we get a message from the ship that saved our asses. 

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