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After the ordeal, despite McKay being grumpy about our mission today, I thought something more chill, like checking if a planet is inhabited or not seemed like a nice break from our painstaking search for more Stargates for Sam's bridge from the MilkyWay to the Pegasus. 

My train of thought is halted when Sheppard sneezes and coughs again. 

"Are you all right, Colonel?" Teyla asks. 

"It's nothing, just a cold. No big deal. It's just annoying." 

"Talk about annoying." McKay snips.


"We should be focusing on harvesting space gates."

"Kind of what we're doing now.  The MALP detected life so we gotta check.  We can't just steal a Stargate from a planet that needs it." 

"I am just saying that identifying potential space gates to complete intergalactic bridge should be our priority, not making contact with the locals of some backwater hamlet." 

"Jesus!" I mumble under my breath only loud enough for Ronon to hear, and chuckle at. 

"Are you that eager to return to Earth, Rodney?"

"This isn't just about me. It's about the ability to go back and forth between Earth and Atlantis conveniently... and whenever I want to." 

"How's that work again?" Ronon leans forward.

McKay turns around, almost giddy to explain it. "Okay, once we've seeded enough Stargates across the void between Pegasus and the Milky Way, we'll be able to take a jumper from the one to the other to the other till we reach the other sid. That way we won't tax the ZPM, we won't be reliant to the Daedalus."

"Yeah, and what normally takes us three weeks to go to and from Earth and Atlantis will take us thirty minutes." 

"Very clever." Teyla compliments.



He pauses. "It was Samantha Carter's idea." He admits.

"Backwater, hamlet, dead ahead." The raven-haired Colonel announces. 


As we walk through the small village, the people are very welcoming and dressed so brightly, its such a contrast with the many places where we see the results of the Wraith's awakening. 

"Okay, let's just make contact, buy our souvenirs, and..." His eyes follow two beautiful women, "get out of here." 

"Fair day to you." One of them greets. 

"Fair day to you." John responds. 

McKay remains distracted. "Nothing here. We should probably go." The men's eyes follow the women and every part of them. "Eh, it probably wouldn't hurt to, uh, make contact with the locals though, no?" 

Teyla and I roll our eyes. "Men are too easy." She laughs, but John and Rodney don't even acknowledge our joke. 

"No, no. When you're right, you're right." 

"No, no, well we're here now, and uh..." 

Before McKay can keep on rambling, a man approaches us. "Hello! Hello, new people! Why didn't anybody tell me the new people were here yet!" 

The young woman who greeted Sheppard runs up to the man and embraces him. "Lucius, I've missed you!" 

He barely returns the hug and continues his stride toward us. "Oh please. Well, I was just out for a walk. Have you met the new people yet?"

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now