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I was also informed shortly after the reason being that Sheppard has developed some sort of growth on his arm, and the retrovirus is changing his DNA into something like Ellia; and he has days.

"What are we doing?" I ask looking for a plan.

"Beckett is giving him a Viral Inhibitor and all of our best scientist are working on this problem." 

I nod even though she can't see me over the radio. "Okay, just... I'm going to help Beckett, right after I go check on Ronon and how he is dealing with this." 

"Alright, Weir out." 

After that I take the short walk to Ronon's quarters. "Come in." I hear from the other side of the door.



"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Shouldn't you be asking Sheppard that?" 

"No. I know he isn't okay, he is most likely terrified and asking will just make it worse. I wanted to check on how you are dealing with this."  I explain to him.

"Why?" He asks, obviously irritated. "I'm not the one turning into a wraith bug."

I nod in understanding. "I know that, but your friend is slowly turning into the thing you hate most, that has to suck, trust me I would know." 

"Yeah, but I don't know how talking about it will help him. Anyway, isn't this the kind of thing that doctor Heightmeir would do?"

"No, I'm being your friend. I mean she's a friend, but she is going to want to diagnose you, or try and make you deal with all your issues, I just wanted to make sure you're okay." I tell him.

"You're right, sorry. Yes it's not fun having Sheppard become somewhat wraith, but he is still him. How are you dealing with it?"

I pause surprised that he turned the question on me. "I'm worried about him, I mean there is only so much my studies can get me with this kind of thing."

"I thought you did the same thing McKay does?" 

"That's what I decided to do when I went to College, but at first I was studying under the doctor at the SGC and I was doing a lot of BioChemistry with all the things we were getting exposed to. But even with all that I don't know if I can do any good." I tell him, not scared at all to expose how I feel.

"Well, when I was Sateda and I was training to be in our military, I had all this strength, but it wasn't as much as I some of the other guys. My trainer had told me that I should get in there and try anyway because that is the only way I was going to get better. So, go help Sheppard, that's the only way you'll know if you can if you'll be helping or not." Ronon tells me, and I smile knowing it isn't easy talking about his home world.

"Thank you! I came in here to help you out, but you were the one who encouraged me." I give him a quick hug and run out of his room.

"Beckett where are you?" 

"In the conference room, trying to solve our Sheppard problem, do you want to join?" 

"Yes, I'll be there." 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now