3 | coincidentally

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It's no surprise when I get caught by Clay and lifted. I fight, futilely, to get out of his arms, slapping at him as he carries me around like a sack of potatoes.

"You probably look like some kind of freak that kidnapped me." I whine, still writhing to get out of his hold. It makes him release me immediately, dropping me back to the ground and instead settling close by my side.

"Fine. We'll walk normal." He says, doing as much. I'm surprised he'd forfeit so quickly.

I feel pleased for a moment, adjusting to walking side by side instead of acting like idiots. After a bit, he tugs me around a turn. "There's a park like a block this way."

I narrow my eyes. "What are we supposed to do in a park?" I ask. I'm not about to go down a slide or start swinging.

He shrugs. "I dunno. Sit and stare at shit."

I guess that's reason enough. I shake off my questions and let him take the lead, dragging me off toward this park. I realize quickly that 'park' did not mean children's park, but instead meant a walking path and pond. An adult type of park.

We quickly end up sprawled in the grass under a tree, sitting and watching the water. We lean into each other, close enough that we're brushing, but not close enough to touch. There's a moment of silence, appreciation of the moment, before Clay searches for a question.

"How's school going?" He asks.

"Oh... you know. It's a process." I say with a small laugh.

"Yeah? How so?" He asks. His voice is soft, low, sincere.

I sigh, leaning into my building stress. "It's just crazy that it's my last year, and I still don't know what to do with my life." I start to pick at my nails, a nasty habit.

Clay grabs my wrist, breaking my hands apart immediately. I expect him to chastise me for picking, but he doesn't. "I can imagine that's tough." He says.

"Yeah well—" I start, feeling flustered that he still has my hand. I tug, stealing it back. "I'm doing my best."

Clay hums, leaning over to bump me with his shoulder. "You always do." He says.

I feel myself flush with embarrassment, shying away from that statement. I want to ask him how he feels about his rising social media fame, but quickly clam up, feeling like it's not my place to ask.

"How's living on your own now?" I ask, the next best thing I can think of.

Clay splits into a grin for that, flopping back into the grass. "Oh baby, you don't want to get me started." He folds his arms behind his head.

I want to follow him down and settle into his chest, but stop myself. I pluck some grass, and sprinkle it out onto his shirt.

"I mean. That's literally why I asked, idiot." I say, dumping more grass on him, watching his face for a reaction.

Clay raises his brows and blinks. "Wow. Feeling some hostile energy today." He says, but grins.

I bite my lower lip, leaning over to use my hands to arrange the grass blades into a smiley face on his shirt.

"If you must know, it's been great." He says. "Nice and quiet and empty with plenty of alone time."

I blink at him, finishing my face mission, but not being strong enough to remove my hand, still dragging a finger along his chest.

"Does it get lonely?" I ask.

Clay cranes his neck, looking at his own chest. "What are you—" he starts, interrupting himself with a grunt as he realizes.

Ruin The Friendship [ dreamwastaken x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now