37 | yep. rock.

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'wore ur merch to class today! everyone loved it so much that they actually jumped me outside of the classroom, pummeling me and breaking every bone in my body! im currently comatose and my doctor says i'll be dead in 2 days, love ur content, keep up the good work!' 8:21 am

Daddy Dream
3 New Messages
'id beat u up too'
'what time u gonna get here?' 8:22 am

It's Friday morning, and I've already made the executive decision to surprise Clay. He knows I'm going to be coming over today. He just doesn't know what time.

So I send back:

':-)' 8:22 am

And nothing else.

I remember the last time I drove to see him, Discord snitched on me for my... choices on Spotify. So, I use that as a way to communicate, wondering if he'll even notice it.

I play a queue with great titles, including but not limited to: 'Just the Two of Us'.


I'm humming along to 'Closer' as I pull into his driveway. I assume that he'll have seen me or figured it out by this point, so I don't bother to hide my car. I tap the code in, and slip in the front door, beaming.

"Honey, I'm home!" I call out.

I'm very surprised to be greeted by silence. I furrow my brow and start to move deeper into his house, poking my head into his kitchen. Still nothing. Weird.

Patches actually approaches me first, trilling as she threads between my legs, coming from a random back room. I smile as I scoop her up.

"Hey big girl. I missed you too." I coo, then bump her forehead before pulling back and staring at her.

"Where's daddy at?" I ask her, like she can answer. She purrs in response.

I hum, wondering if he's maybe just asleep, and turn to head upstairs, keeping Patches cradled.

"We're having a manhunt right now." I say, continuing to talk to Patches like I'm psychotic.

I get upstairs, and poke my head into Clay's room. Still, nothing. Fucking weird. Patches wiggles, so I drop her off. As I think about turning, something lands on my waist, heavy, squeezing me hard enough to hurt. I scream as I'm lifted, and start to thrash, panic rising in my stomach.

"L-let me go—" I stutter out, voice raised, planting my hands on the hands on me and digging in with my nails.

"Got you." I hear familiar laughter rumbling from behind me, and quickly start to relax again.

"Clay— c'mon—" I say, voice still raised, whiny.

He lowers me back to standing, but only wraps me tighter, burying his face in my neck from behind. I lift a hand, curling it into his hair, cupping the back of his head.

"Maybe let's not run up and cold grab the girl that got assaulted twice this month." I mumble, still slightly freaked.

Suddenly Clay's squeezing a lot tighter, shifting to completely wrap me in his arms, pressing us flush. It's silent for a moment, us wrapped up, rocking together, before he pulls back. I turn to face him, seeing his expression is soft, relaxed, tired.

I walk up, burying myself right back in his chest. "Sleep yet?" I ask, muffled by his shirt.

"A little. I knew when you'd show up so I set an alarm and stuff. Couldn't let you get away with trying to surprise me unpunished." He says back.

I tilt my face up, smiling, lift to my tiptoes, press a kiss to the corner of Clay's lips, then pull back. It makes everything go warm to watch the way his expression melts into a smile as well. His hands lift, cupping my face, but neither of us makes a move, just staring at each other. It's sappy, gross... nice.

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