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A swirling mist of sea spray hazed the shore and the current dragged the ocean further and down the sand. The sun only just peeking over the horizon, struggling to let the last of its light simmer down on the sparkling ocean. Passers by would think the scene was something from a travel brochure, an unpopulated beach, immaculate in every way. Although, those with a keener eye will notice that not a single Pokémon dare approach, not even Sharpeedo, known for taking over every available space of ocean, could be found.

Below the waves, rather then a School of Magikarp, guarded by a Garydos or two or a flurry of Corsula there was a big, hulking form of metal, laying formate at the sea floor - most would think it was a ship wreck until you approached further finding it to be a half buried submarine. The dark purpose of the submersible vehicle sent chills through anyone who happened to lay eyes on it, one that could possibly bring the world crumbling to its knees.

Inside the building was a man of darkness, sneering before a trembling girl. The child's light blue hair fell limply down her shoulders, soaked with sweat and blood. Her blue eyes glaring unforgivingly at the man drenched in shadows before her. She could barely move but she knew she mustn't give in to him. To much was at stake for that and yet, her exhaustion still threatened to overwhelm her.

"Just do it all ready!" She snapped angrily at the man in shadows, one of his servers holding her hands tightly behind her back while she fought for a futile escape. "I have people looking for me, they'll find me!"

"After tonight no one will remember you Dearie." He sneered, amused at the game of Meowth and Ratata they'd had going for the past several years.

The girl flinched but quickly recovered. "That's impossible." She said through the grit of her teeth. His hand swiftly made contact with her already red and swollen cheek. The child flinch, fighting off curses as her cold flesh stung from the strike.

"You must learn not to speak to me that way." He snickered in a harsh tone. "My hand is getting sore."

After a shaky breath, the girl dropped her eyes. "You can't... It can't be done." She said a little quieter, clenching her jaw briefly. "You can't simply make everyone... forget a single person."

The man smiled, a truely chilling expression for the girl, she was playing the conversation perfectly. "Is that so Dearie? I'll tell you what, I'll give you... thirty days. If you can make a single person remember who you are you can go free, I will not bother you again, if not you and the rest of your power will be mine mine." He snickered, enjoying the torment her was putting the girl though.

He was evil to his very core, he lived to make people suffer, particularly the girl before him. He loved to toy with her, to watch her struggle against his will. No matter how hard she fights he would make her bow to his will. He would tame the untameable, a feral girl raised in the wild.

She watches him, tears forming in her eyes. "I guess I have no choice." She said through the grit of her teeth, venom spinning its way into her words like Ariados webs.

"That you don't." He smirked, pulling out a small needle, filled with a murky yellow liquid and uncapping it out of her line of sight, with a swift, precise flick it was jammed into her neck and the contents filling her blood. She was out before she even realised what was happening. "Take her to shore. Make sure she has her Pokémon, don't want to be called a cheater now do I?" He chuckled to the guard holding her limp figure.

The guard nodded silently and dragged her to a small submarine in the dispatch area, driving it the short distance to shore before dumping her resting figure in the sand. He threw her backpack next to her before driving away, leaving her victim to the night and whatever should pass her by, not that much would.

The man who started it all watched though a monitor with a smirk as the moon shone down on her small figure, one he had grown to know every detail of as he studied her and tested her. With a growing look of satisfaction, he turned, mumbling to himself as he did. "Just try Dearie, just try."

Word count: 847

So, 'Blurred out' won the vote of what my next work would be. I honestly expected 'Find my courage' to be the most popular but this book won by a land slide. So what do you think of Aquamarine? Obviously the child mentioned and the main protagonist of the story.

I've got most of next chapter written since I only needed to edit this so expect an update sometime soon but I'm just working in this to the side so don't expect updates often. My main focus is 'Why us?' and 'Star struck' but after one of them is finished this will live up to being main focus.

Blurred out (Pokemon fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ