Day 22~ Three Legends, Three Guardians

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~Day 22~

"Now Abyss, use Muddy Water!" I demanded, watching as his colossal total wave washed over the opponents Magmar. Feeling little remorse for the Fire-Type Pokémon, I called out the final move that would win me the Falabour Contest. "Finish up with a Hydro Pump."

Without skipping a beat, Abyss flipped over and shot out his attack. His small fish like tail end slashing at his opponent without my order. My Huntail snarling at his opponent with his goofy face.

Huffing in irrigation at my Pokémon's aggression, I stepped in before he got me disqualified again. "Abyss, remember this is a contest, calm your freakin farm!" I ordered. "Now use Blizzard and Psychic to finish this off!"

With a growl of disapproval, Abyss dashed forward, slithering her way across the waterlogged field as he powered out a Blizzard, followed quickly by a powerful Psychic which knocked out his Magmar opponent.

With an electronic buzzing, the judges deemed him unable to battle with still a minute on the clock. I sighed with relief as Abyss slithered up my arm, searching for approval as she nudged me arm with her pointed snout. "Good work." I praised, patting his head affectionately whilst walking to the platform in order to claim my ribbon. Although this mattered little to me, win or no, I still only had 1 week remaining before this was over.


"Well that was fun." Alexa smiled. "It's so cool you only need one more ribbon Aquamarine! The Grand festival is right around the corner and between the three of us, we only need 4 more! Do you think we can do it in time?"

I shrugged dismissively, honestly, I couldn't care less. "I have more pressing matters that demand my attention." I responded firmly, hugging Morning Glory tighter. My shiny Vaporeon snorted in disapproval, squirming slightly in my grip as we made our way back to the Pokémon Centre.

Alexa placed a hand on my shoulder as I loosened my grip, a sympathetic look over her features. "Hey, we'll figure this out, hide you if we need to. Even if we can't remember you in time, the power you posses is too great to allow people like Team Century to control."

With a tint of a smile, I examined the crowd, spotting a flash of red in the distance which momentarily distracted me. Squinting down the street, I craned my neck in order to see - suspecting it may be my big brother but the identity of the person, although I knew them, they were far worse.

Her Camerupt partner snorted teasingly as he passed, his blue eyes shining irritably as he smugly followed his trainer. The red-haired teenager taunted me as she approached but didn't acknowledge me at all. I glared as the red haired trainer passed, her smug smile planted on her face as she did. My eyes filled with an angry suspicion as she passed, following her even as she walked behind me. Flicking her bobbed red hair away as if she were better then me.

"Who was that?" Alexa inquired, quickly picking up that I knew this girl and her Camarupt. "Do you know her or something, that was awkwardly tense..."

My reply ways practically a hiss. "Mireya Kate Stone." I stated. "Jewel of the Earth and self-proclaimed strongest of the three of us. She's a stuck up snob who's always looked down on me because she came from a rich back ground while I grew up alone in a dirty network of caves. Raymond is much the same... but not quite so spoilt."

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