Day 14~ Predictable

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~Day 14~

I took a deep breath in, my light blue eyes foggy and distant as I stared absently at the TV monitor. Holly  was preforming, her Grovyle before her, dancing around the stage with elegance and precision. The dance also had a certain sharpness to it as Scales showed of it's expertly timed moves, perfected by hours upon hours of practice.

Jet Stream shifted in my arms, a silent frown over her features. ~Good thing she isn't using Scales next round. He's getting stronger, it wouldn't surprise me if he evolved soon.~

"Yeah." I muttered back, sighing to myself as I set down the Vaporeon. "Alexa and Holly are both getting stronger." Rummaging through my bag and pulling out a small container of silver powder. "I'm going to have to step up my game."

I removed Serene's ball from my belt and let out my favourite Dewgong, using a special cloth, I collected some on the powder before rubbing it into the Sea Lion Pokemon's short fur. It left behind a dazzling shine that would no doubt give me a slight edge. Serene purred at the feeling, closing her eyes and smiling in delight as I massaged the powder into an even coat. Every now and then, I glanced up on the monitor, watching contestant after contestant preform. Some were good, some were obvious amateurs and I started picking out who was a threat and who I could slide pass with ease. I recognised many of the contestants and was able to easily recall each strength and weakness I knew of them.

With a sigh, I packed away the powder. Why am I even still competing? I have more important things to worry about then collecting these stupid ribbons and the only reason I started competing was because Holly and Alexa did it and it was an easy way to make money. Sure my Pokémon enjoyed it and I was reasonably good at it but was that was it.

~The bond you share with you friends was forged while you did your contests, it may be a way to bring back those memories.~ North hummed into my mind. ~This is how you would normally act and acting differently will only cause suspicion. You want the to feel like how you are behaving is natural for them to be around.~

You're right as always North. I thought to myself, returning Serene and watching an assistant walk into the room, calling up my name for my performance.

Placing Serene's Pokéball into it's seal decorated casing, I left the waiting room and wandered down the halls that lead to the stage, clutching the ball tightly in my trembling hand. The announcers voice boomed through the halls, hardly even audible. I carefully reached up and checked my hair, feeling the large silver and false-diamond embroidered hair pin holding my hair neatly in place out of my face.

The shadows I stood in from behind the curtain was a welcomed feeling of loneliness but the Wing-bot in the rafters was a reminder about how false this feeling was. I was being watched every moment of the day, my every emotion followed and recorded, every conversation listened in to.

Shaking my head sharply, I tripped to clear my head. Concentrate Aquamarine, stay focused - I told myself as the curtain raised, revealing a bright, sharp light and a sea of blurred, shadowed faces beyond. Stealing a deep breath inwards, I forced my brightest and most genuine smile as I threw up Serene's Pokéball. "Okay Serene, lets dazzle this audience!"

"Deeewgong~!" The Water/Ice-Type cheered, bursting from the ball in a flurry of purple and blue bubbles.

Not skipping a beat I called out my first order. "Blizzard!" I called, watching keenly as the Ice Type attack froze the bubbles made by the seal on her ball.

Blurred out (Pokemon fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα