Day 13~ Boardem Battles

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~Day 13~

Entering Fallarbor Town was very much a relief, though only for a moment. It brought back memories, good ones too. It's the town that I first met Jonah, one of my few, exclusive friends. Although a giant of a teenager, he was a genius when he wanted to be. I haven't heard for him in a while though, not since he went to Sinnoh with hopes of obtaining some rare item for his Pokémon. I couldn't help but wonder if Holly or Alexa remembered him, they'd known him longer then I had so they probably would.

My eyes wondered to the Contest Hall. Alexa already had the Fallarbor Town ribbon so she would skip out on this Contest but Holly and I would be going all out for the ribbon, even if she didn't remember me, we were still rivals. I'd been training by myself for the past two nights, giving me time to clear my head and calm myself before going to bed, even if it was early in the morning by the time I did go to sleep. My insomnia meant I was almost always tired and I simply didn't have the finances to constantly afford medication to help with it.

"It's so annoying how there's a Contest literally in the middle of nowhere. There's not even anything to do here!" Holly sighed, crossing her arms and examining the few houses, Pokémon Centre and Contest Hall the town offered. "What do people do for fun in this town anyway?"

Alexa giggled and rolled her eyes. "Don't complain over such trivial problems Holly, we can train or simply camp out in the Pokémon Centre for the night. You two have a Contest tomorrow! Training is probably your best bet anyway."

Holly sigh but turned to face me anyway, I took a small step beck in surprise, looking at at my friend in confusion as I was hardly ever even acknowledged by Holly let alone so suddenly. "Aquamarine, I challenge you to a battle!" She smirked.

I gave a blink in surprise but nodded. "Sure, I guess..."

The brunette smirked. "This time, I won't loose." She raised he head in a superior man or before turning back on her heal and walking in the direction of the Pokémon Centre where she most likely planned on using the battle field.

With a small smirk growing in my features, I followed, walking beside Alexa who seemed brimming with excitement at the thought of watching another battle between Holly and I. Again, I felt things settle in a way I was familiar with. Holly and I were both quite headstrong so it was normal for our personalities to clash. We normally settled our disagreements the logical way, a Pokémon battle. Alexa took it upon herself to tally our wins and at the end of every month the looser had to complete a task requested by the winner. Generally it was just something the other could laugh at but it was always in good fun.

Entering the Pokémon Centre brought a rush of cool air causing to shiver slightly as it was a warm day outside. Holly handed her Pokémon over to Nurse Joy to get her team healed, I did the same as did Alexa. While waiting for my Pokémon to heal, I wandered over to the quaint little cafe off to the side, I studied the menu for vegetarian options. There were several sweet and savory pies to choose from, salads galore and a small array of soups.

Ordering myself a mushroom soup and water, I sat down at one of the empty booths with my lunch. Alexa joined with a slice of pumpkin pie and Holly a moment later with a quiche. Both had soft drink which I envied but now I don't have the both of them to help with money, I couldn't afford such luxuries.

"So, can I battle the winner?" Alexa perked, cutting off a piece of her pie and shoving it into her mouth before looking exactingly between Holly and I for a reply.

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